How to easily get Google Ad Sense Approval for Your Blog.


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Google Ad Sense provides a viable means for a person to get a chance of monetizing their blogs with ads. For some bloggers though, they find it difficult to get Ad Sense approval for their blogs even after applying multiple times. Here are some tips to help a blogger easily get Ad Sense approval for your blog.

1) Don't compromise on contents: Make sure that with every content you publish on your blog, you are actually providing real value to your audience with you educational and in-depth insights. Try to stay towards the 500 words mark with your contents.

2) Get a professional looking blog: You would actually have to put in work into the outlook and professionalism of your blog. Make sure it is properly designed with obvious navigations. Try to have "About Us", "Contact" and "Privacy Policy" pages set on your blog.

3) Stay compliant to the policies of Google Ad Sense: Be sure that your site has fully adapted Google Ad Sense rules in terms of contents published and other regulations.

With these tips, you can easily get Google Ad Sense approval.