How Do You Avoid Choosing The Wrong Career In Life?


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Choosing a career could be very hard and tricky decision. There come a time when you focus on your goals and try as much to pursue the career because you have certain aims and objectives in mind. You set a target and then work harder to achieve the goals. However, since pursuing some form of career is so hard, many times you tend to make wrong decisions in your life. There are many people who choose the wrong careers and then they regret it later in their life. I remember that I always loved writing and there was a time when I was planning to become a writer.

I even achieved the best writer awards during my primary school days and that was the time I decided that I will become a writer. Today I am a professional paid to post writer who works on many forums. I can say that I made the best choice because I actually loved writing and people say that you should do what you love and enjoy and you must pursue a career in that field only. I think that this is the best advice to avoid choosing the wrong career path. What are your opinions about this career strategy?


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My eldest brother was enrolled in an engineering course in college upon the urging of my father. The 2nd eldest brother was also enrolled in another engineering course, again due to the wishes of my father. Both of them did not finish college maybe because the course did not suit them. When it came to me, my father gave me the liberty to choose my course. I entered college as a freshman in the course of commerce. And I'd say it was better than to be forced to enroll in an engineering course.

My niece was into nursing as the desire of her parents - father is a doctor and mother is a nurse. She finished nursing and even passed the board exams. But her job is not in the hospital but in the immigration office. Her brother was forced to take the pilot course. But he did not go into the flying training due to financial constraints. Now the brother remains jobless after getting jobs after jobs that I think he didn't like. Those are lessons that parents should learn not to force their children into a career that the parents like. Give them the benefit of their choice for an easier success in the career.


Valued Contributor
This is a tough one indeed and very sensitive topic. Many people have be seriously mislead and today they are suffering as a result of the mistakes of yesterday. many people are doing jobs and businesses that they are not in love with. I see many people struggling everyday with their jobs and life has become a struggle for them. there are people who did programs in schools that they not want to do but were forced to so by their parents. Some people were forced to do those courses in the university that hey never had the passion for and after graduation they begin to struggle and search for jobs because they came out with bad results from the university.

One of the steps must take to advert this situation is to first understand one self, that know your likes and dislikes and try as much as possible not to go do what others is trying to persuade you to do at the expanse of what you love to do.

And one should work towards your passion and ensure you meet your desired goals. doing what you love will make your career very easy. And try as much as possible to be flexible.


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It is quite very important that people are allowed to choose whatever they feel passionate about. Many parents make the mistake of trying to choose career for their children and thereby, leading them to do what they don't know how to do or not passionate of. It is quite very important that people are allowed to develop their careers at early stages of their life and know what they like and what they do not like in life. when you are allowed to choose what you want to become a will be passionate about that thing and become successful and yet on the long-run provided you are hard-working enough. I have someone in the police for that can definitely say that from childhood he has been very persistent in becoming a policeman in the future and today he has achieved that dream and I can tell you that he's one of the happiest people currently. sometimes, parents think that choosing a career for their children is the best thing to do because they are looking for things that are much more lucrative but they end up ruining their children's passion which is very wrong. Talent is very important and should be allowed to be harnessed.


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This is very technical and sensitive indeed, one thing that will define us is the type of career that we have chosen for ourselves. Our career path always shapen our lives and tell a lot about how we will relate and interact with our ecosystem. The career path we choose will one way or the other affect the economy of our county aswel.

I remember when we were growing up in school we had some career choice so many big dreams, many of us back then was saying they wanted to be a medical doctor, many others wanted to become an engineer, we had so many choices back then , but as we began to grow we realise that things are not the way we where saying it back then. At some point in time in our lives our parents began to play a role in determining our career paths as they were the ones that modelled our career choices.

My parent always make the choice for me mostly in my career paths, it was when I got through with my tertiary education that I stated making some choices for myself. And I started changing somethings I was kind of force to do back and I never really like some of them. Now am doing the things I enjoy doing.