How do i backup all my blog files on wordpress?


Verified member
Recently I've been experiencing some little problems with my host which I have been using for a long time to post my blog and I think this will be the right time for me to change my host company but I have a problem for now I don't know how to backup my blog files because as it is now I don't want to lose anything on my blog as I want to change the hosting or what else do you people suggest I can do that won't make me lose anything on my blog like SEO or other things or if you guys want to change host how do you guys normally do it?.

Another reason why I want to change the hostess because one of my friends blog just got suspended today because of copyright content and I just received multiple suggestions from people on hosting companies that doesn't care about copyright content they said that if I connect my site to cloudfare that I won't get suspended too so I want to move my host away from the current one I'm using now to another host where I can connect it to cloudfare so I can be free from getting my blog suspended.


VIP Contributor
You can do this in multiple ways. In most cases, your website will be automatically backed up by whatever control panel manager your host has given you. If that is not happening, you can look for backup tab on your control panel manager and schedule a backup. This is the easiest option for website backup. Another way to backup your wordpress file is to go to wordpress installation page, click down arrow next to your wordpress website and you will see back up option. Click thata button and follow the steps. Third method to back up your wordpress site is by adding updraft plus plugin or any other back up plugin. These plugins will allow you to back up your website locally on your computer, or cloud (dropbox, google drive, etc.). The plugins are free, but free versions have limitations. You can still benefit from a free plugin. You can go with any method you want.