How did you inherit intelligence?




Have you ever wondered where you inherited your intelligence or dullness from, if you haven't, then,

it is worthy to note that mothers play a greater part in transferring intelligence to their children especially the sons,

While Fathers are the sole determinant of the gender of a baby & also contribute to a greater quota of the intelligent quotient of their daughters.

Now listen,

The gene for intelligence is only encoded in the “X-Chromosome” and this means that the “Y-chromosome” which comes only from the Father has nothing to do with the intelligence of a child. However, it is the “Y-chromosome” that has everything to do with determining if a child will be a boy or a girl.

We should know that as a lady, you carry an “XX-chromosome” while as a man, you have an “XY-chromosome”. During the birth of a baby boy whose genetic makeup is usually “XY”,
the “X-chromosome” which codes for intelligence, comes from the mother and therefore, only the mother contributes to how intelligent her son will be.

However, in the birth of a baby girl whose genetic makeup is usually “XX”, one of the “X” comes from the father, while the other comes from the mother. Unlike the genetic makeup of the baby boy where the mother contributes 100% of the intelligence, the intelligence of a baby girl is gotten from both the mother and the father, where the father contributes 60% of the intelligence while the mother contributes the remaining 40%.

This is to say that only the father(XY) can determine the gender of a baby by either donating “X or Y-chromosome” to her wife who will always donate an “X-chromosome”.
Hence, if he gifts her a “Y” she will give both to a son(XY), in which she gets to donate the only “X” that codes for intelligence in such a baby boy.
However, when he gifts her an “X”, she will combine it with one of her own “X” and thereby producing a baby girl in which the “X” from the father contributes 60% of the baby girl’s intelligence while the “X” from the mother contributes to only 40% of the intelligence of the girl child.

Hence, a man who desires to have intelligent sons should endeavour to not just marry a slay queen but a slay queen with the brain.

And as a Lady who desires to have intelligent daughters, you should not just marry for the money, pink lips or six-packs but a guy with something upstairs.

Finally, never you as a man drive away or divorce your wife on the ground that she is unable to give you a son because as a husband, it is you and only you who has the sole responsibility of determining the gender of your baby.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Good information that carries many advantage. I have equally know that for a child to be intelligence does not mean may be some came from poor background but has to do with who give birth to some one . Likewise one need to look keenly at their children so that one will be able to know the type of person they are so that one will not miss direct them to be doing what will not profit them in life .