How Black Women Are Really Doing Financially


I know that you've probably heard a lot of things about how black women are really doing financially. Sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not.

The truth is that while black women have a lot of financial challenges, they also have some incredible opportunities. In fact, in the last five years, we've seen unprecedented progress in terms of black women's financial security and wealth creation.

They made incredible strides in areas like education, professional advancement and entrepreneurship all of which are directly linked to how well they managing their finances.

So what does this mean for you? It means that if you want to be financially successful as a black woman, you need to find ways to create more value for yourself and your community. This means creating opportunities for others through entrepreneurship or volunteer work or simply by showing up and being present in your community. you never know where someone might need help!
Can't speak for other countries, but in the USA there are government programs created to assist women in business and in particular, women who are considered to be in a minority group. Not just the federal government, but when I worked for the City of Austin, they also had programs that offered financial assistance to minority women in business. Even private entities like Amazon (Jeff Bezos) set up programs to support minority women in business. So black women can't really say that they are being discriminated against or held back. They have what it takes to at least get their business started. But the determination and drive to be successful has to come from them. In Austin, Texas, a black teenage girl created her own lemonade brand and landed a deal with a major retailer to sell her product.