The Truth About Salary Negotiation For Black Women


It's a common myth that black women are underpaid compared to white men, but it's actually the opposite. black women make about 44% less than white men. Black women who get married before the age of 30, however, can expect to make about $200,000 less than their white counterparts.

This may seem like a lot of money at first glance, but think about how much you'd have to work over your entire life to earn that amount of money: over 20 years and roughly $60,000 per year! And even if you work just two jobs (which is unlikely), you'd still only be making $80,000 per year on average. For most people, that would mean having to take out loans or other forms of credit in order to pay your bills.

Does this mean that black women are doomed to live in poverty? Not necessarily but it does mean that you should prioritize finding a way to increase your earning potential if you want to avoid relying on anyone else for financial support down the line.

So how do you negotiate for the salary you want? Here are some tips:

1. Ask for what you deserve (and be prepared to walk away from the table if necessary)

2. Know your worth (and don't let anyone tell you differently)

3. Don't be afraid of negotiating hard. it's part of being assertive