Home remedies for bad breath


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There are a lot of ways that you can use to prevent bad breath like a good dental hygiene because it was dental hygiene is the most common cause of this bad breath so you preventing plaque you build-up is always the key to maintaining a healthy breath

you should make sure that you brush your teeth like twice in a day for like 2 minutes both morning and night so as to prevent bacteria from growing on bit of food that is stuck in your teeth floss so bacteria can also accumulate on the tongue which can cause bad breath that is why it is always advisable for you to brush twice in the day so has to have a healthy and fresh breath.

Make sure that you drink enough water daily because water is also important when it comes to our mouth breath, because mouth dryness can cause bad breath saliva plays an essential role in keeping our mouths clean so when your mouth naturally dries out it will make you to have a bad breath that is why you do have a bad breath when you wake up the next morning so you have to make sure you keep your body hydrated by drinking enough water to encourage saliva production so drink at least like eight glasses of water everyday