Here’s How You Can Break The Ice Between Your Skin & Retinol


Retinol is an amazing skincare ingredient. It's clinically proven to make your skin smoother, more even-toned, and overall more radiant. It can, however, become a little harsh at first! Some people experience redness or dryness when they start using it.

I got some advice on how to keep retinol from taking over your life:

1. Start with a small amount about the size of a grain of rice should suffice!
2. Mix it with a moisturizer to dilute the retinol and make it easier on your skin.

2. Apply it only every other day until your skin gets used to it, then gradually increase how often you use it until you're applying it every night.

3. Wear sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays retinol increases photosensitivity (your skin's sensitivity to sunlight)!