Health Benefits Of Eggs!

A K Rao

Active member
1.Since they have all the required amino acids, vitamins and elements the eggs promotes healthy growth.

2. Regular consumption of the egg augments heart attack and maintains a healthy heart.

3. Since the egg is rich in protein and less in calories, it helps to maintain the body weight.

4. The presence of calcium and vitamin D Fortifies bone tissues of the body.

5. The vitamin A helps in enhancing eye function.

6. Since it is rich in copper, cobalt, Iron protein, and other ingredients it prevents anemia.

7. Egg is full of nutrients, so it supplies ample of energy.

8. Eggs ensure a healthy pregnancy, as this is a complete food package to grow a zygote into a chicken.

9. The egg boosts immune system of the body because of omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

10.The egg strengthen muscle tissue because it is having a lot of protein proportionately.
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I'm one person that love to add eggs to my menu but I eat more of the white than the yolk. Since I'm trying to lose weight.i read that the yolk is fastening, so I give that to my small niece but consume the egg white. It is not only nutritious it is also filling
I'm one person that love to add eggs to my menu but I eat more of the white than the yolk. Since I'm trying to lose weight.i read that the yolk is fastening, so I give that to my small niece but consume the egg white. It is not only nutritious it is also filling
That is a valid point , egg white is good source of proteins with less calories! I am going to post another article on this very soon! Thanks!
I love eating egg alot and I often add it to my menu . But I've heard people talked about the disadvantages of eating egg when you reach a certain age, say above 35 years. How true is this? Because while enjoying the egg in my meal something crosses my mind. Why am i eating this because it doesn't work for me anymore since I am above stipulated age
Eggs also have choline in them which contributes to the health of your nervous system, muscles and cell membranes. While - like with most things - moderation is important, eggs have received a lot of bad rep over the years for their cholesterol and fat content. But the truth is, it can be a valuable part of any diet.
Eggs are good source of quality proteins. They contain unsaturated fats, nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B6& vitamin B 12 etc. The protein in eggs helps maintain body tissues,including muscles. Our body needs to produce energy. Eggs contain all the nutrients that provide energy to the body . Eggs contain all the essential minerals and and vitamins that are necessary for the nervous system and brain to function properly and effectively. Egg yolk helps to reduce bad cholesterol from the body whereas egg white helps in weight loos as egg whites are high in protien yet low in calories, fats and cholesterol. Egg whites also benefit those who have high protein requirements. Egg protein helps you feel fuller and eat less. Micronutrients in egg yolk support in eyes health. By using eggs you can improve your cholesterol profile. In addition you will reduce the risk of heart disease. So add eggs in your daily routine in order to get tremendous benefits.
Egg is one vital food every human should eat it contains protein that enables energy in human beings and sent is having that eating 3 eggs a day is very essential to humans so as to boost energy and repair wornout part of the body eggs can be used as a source of hair booster and applying egg whites to hair can boost hair growth also eggs can be used 4 reactivating man's libido and makes them active in bed