Have You Tried Making Cash With One Pulse App?


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There are many methods to make some extra cash while you stay at home. If you have a day job, then you can use your spare time to make some extra cash. We are living in the times when the smartphones are being used to make money. There was a time when bar phones (Cell phones) were being used and as far as I can remember, there was no option to make money with them. In this post, I will unveil an interesting App which you can use on your Android phones in order to make some extra money. You will not become rich just by using these Apps but you will be able to make some extra money that would pay for your lunch.

One Pulse By Star Pulsing Limited

One Pulse is an Android phone app that allows you to make money just by answering simple question that are related to none other than your own self! You get paid to answer simple questions such as "What kind of Food do you like?", "What kind of snacks do you prefer?", "What Are Your Hobbies?", etc. These are some of the questions that could make you money. They through PayPal and they probably prefer participants from the United States.