Global warming and its effects


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We live in a world that is not safe anymore because of human activities that are affecting nature.
Global warming as the name implies refers to a condition in which the environment's aquatic and terrestrial habitat becomes unsafe for all living things. This great mishap has been happening for decades in history with several deaths that occurred over the years. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide or other pollutants that are capable of mixing with the atmosphere to absorb solar energy and radiation that have been left off the earth's surface. These gases or pollutants are dangerous to health as they can last for years hiding in the atmosphere without purpose. However, these substances will trap the energy, making the earth hotter to live.

The effects of this disheartening condition are disastrous which has rendered millions of people helpless. These pollutants are caused or produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuel is a major source of energy for human sustainability which is used to power cars, automobiles, lights in different homes. The fuels which include coal are useful as they contribute greatly to the larger percentage of energy sources. These effects have resulted in increased global warming by a larger percentage. This is almost beyond control especially with humans running power sources from fossil fuels.

Is the world going to ever overcome the effects of global warming? We all have a long way to go to achieve that.