Getting rid of pimples and Acne naturally


New member
Pimples,acnes,boils,rashes and other skin related problems and irritations are worrying.
Try my tips to get rid of them...
1.Always be hydrated:When our body needs water,it burns excess fats and the remaining fats which are left overs are cooled under our outer skins.After a few days it becomes pimples,acnes or boils.So drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day or anytime you feel thirsty.
2.Use sunscreen lotions: Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun will quickly burn fats and cause pimples.Using sunscreen lotions will prevent UV rays from hitting our skins.
3.Eat healthy and nutritious food.
4.Eat a lot of fruits and veggies
5.Have routined Bathing style of 3-4 times daily
6.Always observe personal hygiene.
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