Gaining weight tips

Kago bogosi

New member

taking in healthy food , vegetables and fruits everyday in the morning giving in few exercises to build up ur thigh muscles and to keep you fit enough

Taking in enough liquid as you will be losing lot when doing the exercises

Doing squats exercise and doing in some running exercise so that you could burn out the unnecessary fats in the body


Taking in healthy supplement so that they could help in building the body and they will give in enough nutrition and minerals in the body so that the body can work out easily and it could be more beneficial to the person
Gaining weight doesn't take much stress as losing weight. But however, gaining weight in a healthy manner so take some helpful tips on order to avoid some unnecessary health problems. We need to know that we don't need junk food and eating in excess on order to gain weight. We only need moderate food.
Eat a lot of potatoes and rice. You don't need supplements to gain weight. You just need a high-carb diet.
Ohk thank you once again when I said supplement I ment food supplement that can provide your body with all nutrition the body and also this products I am talking about they are herbalife products they are mainly recommendee by doctors as you know they are people who can eat too much food and still not gaining any weight sir so this products helps a lot sir
#Shake mix
Gaining weight doesn't take much stress as losing weight. But however, gaining weight in a healthy manner so take some helpful tips on order to avoid some unnecessary health problems. We need to know that we don't need junk food and eating in excess on order to gain weight. We only need moderate food.
Yes we only need moderate food sir but do you know they are people who eat moderate food on their day to day basic and still DNT gain weight ? that's why I said they is this products it help a lot some people don't gain weight because of a health problem
But the food supplement I am talking about it's a herbalife products and even doctors recommend it especially when a person wanna gain weight it's a healthy product sir so when a person face such situation in life it's best we tell the person to try this
And also it doesn't have bad side effects
Gaining weight is not something that most people talk about. This is because many people in this generation are focusing more on loosing weight. Which comes with much struggle. But gaining weight is so easy. Though one should be aware of the difference between healthy weight and unhealthy one. So to gain healthy weight, you need to eat healthy foods that build the body and do exercises that focus on weight gain.