Four tips for Storing Business Files Safely


VIP Contributor
Storing business files can be a challenge. You want them to be safe and secure, but you also want to make sure that they are accessible when you need them.

1. Store your files in a secure location. If you don't have the right storage solution in place, thieves will find them anyway! If possible, keep your data on-site at the office or store it in an external hard drive that you keep locked away.

2. Use password protection as much as possible. This is especially important for documents that contain sensitive information such as financial data or client info. If your employees don't know the password, there's no way for them to access the information even if they have physical access to your computer system.

3. Keep passwords secure. Use different passwords on every device where you store sensitive data — even if they're not related to one another — and change them regularly so that even if someone gets ahold of one password they won't be able to get into everything else using it too.

4. Lock down your computer once per day at night when no one else is around so no one can look at it or steal anything from it without leaving evidence behind (such as browser history).
The most important thing to do is to designate a safe place for your business files. The most common places are in the office, at home, and in the car.

Next, make sure that you have a backup plan for your files. You can use cloud storage or store them on a USB drive or external hard drive. If you’re working with sensitive information, it may be better to store it electronically and keep it separate from other data so that if one of your computers gets stolen or destroyed, nothing important is lost.

The third step is to make sure that your computer is secure. This means keeping all software up-to-date and having anti-virus protection installed on all of your devices.

Finally, make sure that there are no unauthorized people in your office when you’re not there — this includes answering machines, phones and even door locks.