Trading Discussion Family support is necessry for chosing forex as full time job.


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Anyone who wants to earn from forex, must tackle the risk factor first. The risk in this sector is relatively higher than other business. The market is totally unpredictable and may move any way any time. That is why most of the traders fails to survive in this business.

Doing such risky business for full time is another challenge. You need to earn consistently from here. You will spend the earnings for your daily needs. You become totally dependent upon it.

But when you do it for full time, yojr family should support it. They should also know the intensity of risk involved here. Their support is needed to have the confidence in place. Otherwise, without support of them you can't ever succed in this business.
We all know the proverb that no risk no gain. Forex market has also risk. A trader when trading in the market, he always try to reduce the risk. It is not easy to minimize the risk. Trader should study hard before trading in the market. A broker also can help to minimize the risk. To give the guideline I take Forex4you as my broker.
Yes. The knowledge that we get by learning is helpful for us when we are in tough situation. The knowledge is the only power needed in forex. Someday, you may also face a adverse situation in trading. At that time it is only your knowledge and skills that will help you to come out of your problem. So always try to gain knowledge from your forex trading.