Eggs are good for Weight Loss


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When it comes to losing weight, many people refrain from eating yolk in eggs, assuming they are high in fat. However, while egg albumin contains protein, egg yolk is rich in healthy fats, which are mostly monounsaturated.

Therefore, whole eggs are essential for your weight loss diet. A recent study published in a medical journal found that a few slabs of dark chocolate can do you more harm than good.

It contains pure cocoa butter, which keeps you full for a long time and helps in losing weight. It is also rich in fiber, healthy fats, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and has antioxidant properties that lower blood pressure levels.
Yeah I have read different views when it comes to eggs and weight loss. Since I'm on a journey to losing about 10kg this first quarter of the year I have been reading a lot on weight loss. I think I go more with eating just the white of the egg than the yolk since the yolk contains more calories than the white.

I cook my eggs but only eat the white part. It is also filling just like the yolk. You can either push it down with water or green tea and you are good to go. So yes eggs is good with weight loss especially the white part.
It is true that when you add eggs to your diet this may be one of the easiest things to do if you're trying to lose weight.AsThey can make you feel more full and in the process help you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Furthermore, eggs are a great source of many vitamins and minerals that are commonly lacking in the diet.So it's not the the eggs are in any ways helping in having constitutes for slimming but rather deprive youbthd urge to eat more foods thst maybe rich in high calories may make you fat.
What I know is that egg is rich in protein ,even with this I believe egg is something you should not take all the time because consuming of too much egg may not be the best. You should rather look for another way of obtaining protein from other food to maintain your weight than to get it from egg all the time. You can get it from beans and chicken.