Effective Ways Presentation Can Boost Your Business

Finger Geek

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A presentation is a formal lecture, speech or audio-visual show that conveys information or ideas to a group of people. It is a communication tool used in education, marketing and business. A presentation is usually organized and developed by a presenter and has many aspects, planning, creating visual aids and delivering the message. A good presentation requires careful planning and thinking. Planning a good presentation requires careful consideration of the topic, audience, objectives and delivery method. Delivering your message requires eye contact, clear pronunciation, handwriting and handwriting speed as well as an attitude that supports your message. Making any of these mistakes can completely undermine all the hard work you've put into preparing your presentation.

A good presentation first starts with a good topic. Choosing a good topic is extremely difficult because there are so many good ideas to choose from. Here are some points to consider when choosing a topic:
  • Does the topic relate to your audience? For example, if you're presenting to the board of directors of your company, choose something that relates to your company's work. Or if you're addressing employees about attendance policies, address that aspect of your company's work rather than choosing a general topic such as leadership qualities or ethics in business. As another example, don't choose a topic that directly relates to yourself such as family health issues if you're representing your company in public; this might make people question whether you're giving unsolicited advice on subjects that directly affect you personally.
  •  Does the topic interest your audience? If most of your audience members are children, don't present an in-depth lesson on the stock market or business ethics. Instead, focus on interesting topics such as geography, animals or flowers.
  •  How much time do you have? If you only have five minutes to prepare your presentation, stick to one main point and provide enough background information for your audience to easily understand what you're presenting. Otherwise, your audience may become bored or confused as they try to figure out what relevance your topic has to their lives. If you have more time for preparation, consider adding more points to address audiences differently; for example, if you're presenting to business owners, include suggestions for increasing their businesses' profitability and generating more revenue.
Planning a presentation also involves selecting appropriate visual aids such as handouts or slideshows that help support your message. This includes choosing appropriate slideshows for different topics: a sales slide show would use different slides than an informative slide show about global geography. Your choice of visuals should complement the message you're trying to convey rather than distract from it. Ultimately, using effective visual aids will make your presentation look professional and engaging while also clearly informing your audience of the information you wish them to understand.

Delivery is just as important as planning when presenting any idea or message. All successful presenters find ways to grab their audiences' attention so they will listen to what they have to say next. This involves proper body language and eye contact since these two factors determine whether listeners will pay attention or not. Further enhancing the impact of any given presentation is the speed at hand which should be in keeping with the pace at which the speaker speaks naturally if he talks fast, his slides should move fast too so as not to confuse his audience by slowing him down too much. Slowing down can be particularly effective when addressing an emotional subject such as death or bereavement because it can immediately engage listeners' emotions on a very personal level which can greatly heighten both attention and receptiveness.

Planning and delivering a successful presentation is difficult. But it can make you look very professional and increase sales or other forms of communication like education or public speaking. Consider these ideas when preparing for any future presentations.