Effect of bleaching cream


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Bleaching cream helps in removing dark spots that is caused by eczema, sun damage, aging and also hormonal changes and it also helps in reducing the acne scars and also helps in skin tone.
But as they are are advantages and disadvantages of this bleaching cream the disadvantage is much than the benefits that it does to the body because people only looks at the benefits and then a blind eye to the side effect of using it . These bleaching creams causes mercury poisoning like high blood pressure, kidney failure and fatigue and it can also lead to dermatitis e.g swelling, skin ulcer, skin redness, blisters, acne scars and itching so I will advice tht you stop the use of this bleaching cream because of the side effect
Most people think when they bleach it makes them lighter and it make them fine and beautiful not knowing they are slowly damaging the skin.you Don't have to bleach use cream that suits your skin and not just any cream but the ones prescribed for you.bleaching damages the skin it also cause cancer and other bad disease.
Bleaching cream result might be good in the beginning but the end is always bad Because it causes a lot of skin diseases and infection
Bleaching cream is bad for the skin as it can cause skin cancer and other health implications to our body
Bleaching cream endangers the health by causing diseases to the body and endangering our life also
It is known to us that bleaching cream causes deadly disease to the body so we should try and minimize how we use all this cream to avoid side effect
It is very bad for the health most especially the skin when you use bleaching cream because it damages the skin little by little and end up causing skin cancer