Dropshipping Vs. Print-On-Demand: Which is Profitable


VIP Contributor
Dropshipping: You can do dropshipping on third-party marketplaces, but this business is basically done by creating your own store, importing products and product information from your supplier’s website to your own store, and start selling from your store. When products are sold, your supplier will ship the product. The difference in your selling price and cost price is your earnings.

Print-On-Demand: This is similar to dropshipping because you do not have to create or ship product, however, this business method requires you to create the product you want to sell digitally, for instance, if you want to sell flip-flips, you will have to create a design and then upload the design on the Print-On-Demand marketplace and create the product.


In my experience, Print-On-Demand is better than dropshipping. First of all, you do not have to spend money setting up your store, secondly, the Print-On-Demand marketplaces already have a lot of customers, therefore selling is easy, and thirdly, everything works on autopilot.