Investment Does your parent influence your investment choice.?

We've been on this kind of scenario long time ago and we are still experiencing same saga now. Parents mostly influence their children's career choice for them. Decide for them what to be for life, even when it isn't their wards choice. Bit this days it is on the decrease they don't influence much around their children again, some give their children free will to choose what to be for life, while others still operate on same analogue system of decision making.
It is very common especially in Africa. The major reason is that the parents always believe that the children may be too young or naive to make a wise decision. And just like you concluded, it is analogue way of thinking. But I have seen another argument here saying that parents need to be third party to be like an advisory body.
I'm in the sole decision maker for myself and the savings I make. I'm not generating funds for someone or my parents to alter for me. I'll only spend or give out when it is necessary. At this time, the covid19 pandemic has affected offline business a lot, and my business offline isn't flowing like before. Making money is a little bit hard, that's why the income needs to be spent wisely.
I usually invest a lot of my excess money on buying agricultural produce and selling it when I believe that they are going to increase in price. This is exactly where my mother do comes in because she has been in the business for a long time and her expertise is something that really gets me in doing it.
African parents can really be controlling to their children about many things, including investment choices. This has its positive and negative impacts. One positive that I can think of is if the parent is a skilled business person, then they can have some good ideas on investment. But a negative is not letting a child just live his life and make the decisions they can based on their own investing skills.
I love the angle and the perspective you are viewing this. A parent who is skilled and an astute business person can choose for his child especially if the child wants to toe his parent's line because he has experience in the business. But most parents that are not even into business still want to choose for thir children based on old age experience.
African parents can really be controlling to their children about many things, including investment choices. This has its positive and negative impacts. One positive that I can think of is if the parent is a skilled business person, then they can have some good ideas on investment. But a negative is not letting a child just live his life and make the decisions they can based on their own investing skills.
Parents can be an asset and their advice can be considered. Societies are evolving everywhere and parents too are changing with time. They are becoming more respectful of their children and the decisions that they take. The number of controlling parents is fading away with time even in traditional societies. But yes, we do have them who just dictate and rule and suffocate. But then the younger generation has to learn to put their foot down. We need to say a polite and firm NO if we feel that it is the right thing to do.
My parents influenced me to be morally appropriate, they thought my humanity, compassion. However, they never dictated to me when it comes to choosing a subject in the university, choose a career path, or make an investment choice. They do give me advice from time to time but they don't influence me, they don't put pressure on me.
I guess u are an African. I don't want to overrule your points totally. But the fact is that Africans always accord much wisdom and even intelligence to the older generation which it may not even be so in some instances. We have seen some parents that misled their children as well the one that guided their children right. I think it is high time children are left alone to make choices. When they fail, they learn better.
I am an Asian. I come from India. I have stayed for almost two decades out of India in various countries like in US for 10 years, UK, Japan and South Africa. These were all work-related stay as my husband had a job that made him travel a lot. Other than I have travelled many countries and love to know of their societies and culture.
Asian and African cultures have more of parental influence and control. Western culture does not have that. But now with changing times. even in our culture we are drifting from these traditions. Children are not that bonded with parents like earlier generations and they do not welcome much of parental interferences. Parents are also evolving and accepting it.
That's a very good example of how parental involvement can actually be beneficial. The younger generation always has more avenues and is more updated and aware. But then we have to consider the fact that the older generation is always there with greater wisdom and experience. Parents should not be overcontrolling or suffocating their children who are adults now with their instructions. But a wise idea is always welcomed. When we were planning to buy a plot, we were almost there to finalize the deal. My father-in-law visited the plot and found out few logistic faults there that we missed out. That made us rethink our decision and we cancelled the deal. Till date, we are thankful that he noticed that. Few others who invested in that area are suffering and they are now stuck.
I guess u are an African. I don't want to overrule your points totally. But the fact is that Africans always accord much wisdom and even intelligence to the older generation which it may not even be so in some instances. We have seen some parents that misled their children as well the one that guided their children right. I think it is high time children are left alone to make choices. When they fail, they learn better.
In our culture the parents are the usual consultants of children when it comes to money matters. With the investment I was advised by my mother to buy a lot which would appreciate in value after some years. It was true because the cost of the lot was slightly less than 200,000 and when I sold it I earned 300,000 in profit.
That's a very good example of how parental involvement can actually be beneficial. The younger generation always has more avenues and is more updated and aware. But then we have to consider the fact that the older generation is always there with greater wisdom and experience. Parents should not be overcontrolling or suffocating their children who are adults now with their instructions. But a wise idea is always welcomed. When we were planning to buy a plot, we were almost there to finalize the deal. My father-in-law visited the plot and found out few logistic faults there that we missed out. That made us rethink our decision and we cancelled the deal. Till date, we are thankful that he noticed that. Few others who invested in that area are suffering and they are now stuck.
In our culture the parents are the usual consultants of children when it comes to money matters. With the investment I was advised by my mother to buy a lot which would appreciate in value after some years. It was true because the cost of the lot was slightly less than 200,000 and when I sold it I earned 300,000 in profit.
Are you talking about plot of land or what?? Normally parents advise their children to make right choice, no parents will watch the child to squander money unnecessarily by making wrong choice. Before i go on to buy any thing or invest in any stuff that has to do with making profit and losses, i first seek guidance from my parents in order for them to give me the right advise to go into such investment.
In our culture the parents are the usual consultants of children when it comes to money matters. With the investment I was advised by my mother to buy a lot which would appreciate in value after some years. It was true because the cost of the lot was slightly less than 200,000 and when I sold it I earned 300,000 in profit.
It is very common especially in Africa. The major reason is that the parents always believe that the children may be too young or naive to make a wise decision. And just like you concluded, it is analogue way of thinking. But I have seen another argument here saying that parents need to be third party to be like an advisory body.
Yes, parents needs to act as third party or advisory body to their children's decision making. And not influencing their children's dream, and choosing a career for them in the future to work with. Some children don't live up to that standard that is set out by their parents cos they where pushed to study what they never wanted to.


VIP Contributor
In Africa, parents hold much importance and influence on their children. This is because they are consider as the custodian of wisdom and knowledge and to their children, parents can never be wrong.

All these introductory centers on parents decisions on the choice of their children investment. My friend came to me last week complaining that he is about to disown his parents because they continue rejecting the investment he chooses but instead forcing me investment in him.

Though he wanted my candid advice but I was dumbfounded. I didn't want him to go against his parents advice, the fact is his daddy is a real estate manager but he couldnt make much in it, hereby preventing his child to go into it as well and that's the choice of the child.

Do you think parents should have any influence on child's choice of investment. I have once tried to invest on transportation as well but when I told my parents, they gave me solid reasons why transportation is not the best investment for me.

As a child, will you be influenced by your parents advice on investment.?
Whao, what a nice contribution. You really highlighted your points succinctly. And you explain better. But I think it is a factor of culture. In some countries, once you have reached a legal age, n one can dictate for you. You can choose to do whatever you feel like doing. And the only problem I have is that, parents do reject investment because of their hatred to it and not to any justifiable reason
I agree that it's all have to do with societal and cultural influences. Many societies especially the ones from Asian countries show that kind of parental influence throughout into the adulthood too. Western countries have little or no parental interference once one is adult. And I have said that both have their own pros and cons. It's always good to have an elderly support and guidance. And elderly too feel valuable and needed if they feel that they are still there in their children's life. But then both sides should know where to draw lines and not get too controlling.
We've been on this kind of scenario long time ago and we are still experiencing same saga now. Parents mostly influence their children's career choice for them. Decide for them what to be for life, even when it isn't their wards choice. Bit this days it is on the decrease they don't influence much around their children again, some give their children free will to choose what to be for life, while others still operate on same analogue system of decision making.
When we are planning to invest our hard earned money we don't just take a haste decision. We explore the options, we seek advices from various people, read, search and explorer. Our parents can be a part of our journey and they can guide us. If we owe the money that we are going to invest from our parents in some way, they have a say in that matter and they are justified to dictate. But if it's your sole money, they can only be a third party giving us their suggestions.
Some cultures have more parental control even when children are grown up. And it comes with its own sets of pros and cons. My mom helped me a lot as a guide in initial years when I started investing and was clueless.
Wow I think there is one of the best advice I've ever seen today,our parents can actually be the people that can guide us on how to do most of these thing but it should not be a force that we must do what they said but if you can take their instruction it will actually help us in our investment journey.still following.
When we are planning to invest our hard earned money we don't just take a haste decision. We explore the options, we seek advices from various people, read, search and explorer. Our parents can be a part of our journey and they can guide us. If we owe the money that we are going to invest from our parents in some way, they have a say in that matter and they are justified to dictate. But if it's your sole money, they can only be a third party giving us their suggestions.
Some cultures have more parental control even when children are grown up. And it comes with its own sets of pros and cons. My mom helped me a lot as a guide in initial years when I started investing and was clueless.
Whao, what a nice contribution. You really highlighted your points succinctly. And you explain better. But I think it is a factor of culture. In some countries, once you have reached a legal age, n one can dictate for you. You can choose to do whatever you feel like doing. And the only problem I have is that, parents do reject investment because of their hatred to it and not to any justifiable reason
When we are planning to invest our hard earned money we don't just take a haste decision. We explore the options, we seek advices from various people, read, search and explorer. Our parents can be a part of our journey and they can guide us. If we owe the money that we are going to invest from our parents in some way, they have a say in that matter and they are justified to dictate. But if it's your sole money, they can only be a third party giving us their suggestions.
Some cultures have more parental control even when children are grown up. And it comes with its own sets of pros and cons. My mom helped me a lot as a guide in initial years when I started investing and was clueless.
Once a legal adult, one is free to take all financial decisions. Parents can be a valuable contributor as they have experience with them and can guide one taking the right decision. I mean it is always good to discuss with people who have idea about financial stuff and have their own personal experience..A healthy discussion and exchange of ideas is always a good thing. But then one should not force something or despise off every idea of others. I am not sure how old is your friend and whether he depends on his parents for any sort of financial assistance. If their money is involved, they can be dictating the terms.
Just like you have opined. Parents should only be valuable contributors. But we should not allow them to dictate or tell us what to do. And just as have rightly said, if their money is involved that is when they should have absolute control and influence on our choice of investment. If not, they serve as advisers and nothing more.