Does mindset matter a lot in making money online?


Active member
In my opinion the mindset matters a lot in making money.

When you have a high aim/goal then you start planning things out in a way that will help you to achieve this goal faster.

Example if you have a goal that you will make 1000$ per month.

Then this goal and mindset will help you to push forward and work hard in order to achieve this aim.
It will help you to become active and not lazy.
It will help you to work some hours a day to learn skills, strategies and techniques to promote your business more or to get your jobs done faster.
It will also help you to define your schedule for daily, weekly and monthly activities.
You will not get distracted this way and can focus on your job/business/niche more in that time
It will also stop un-necessary doubts and thoughts to cloud your mind.
It wil also help you to remain persistent and to do consistent efforts to make this 1000$ per month.

Once you have achieved this goal then you can make a goal of 1200$ per month and so on.
Positive mindset will help you at each and every step in life and business / careers / jobs etc.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you make your mindset / goal in life and business?
I believe that mindset matters a lot when it comes to making money. When you have a good mindset, you can approach things in an efficient manner. Of course a good mindset will prevent you from becoming lazy, but I think that when it comes to preventing laziness, there are many other things that matter a lot, too. First of all, proper scheduling is also crucial. You must make a schedule each day. There are many people who spend many hours working at night and even I also used to work late at night. I have observed that despite having a great mindset, I was simply not able to meet my daily targets.

So, you must prepare a proper schedule along with a great mindset. If someone tells you to write a 1,000 word article in a few hours, then you will never be able to do that despite having a good mindset. This is because it takes time and effort to properly research things and then prepare an article. Apart from that, your health also plays a role. If you are healthy, you will be able to work. Sometimes when I do not feel well, I simply stop working. In short, there are many things that need to be in proper order if you want to achieve goals and mindset is just one of them.
One of the main factors that determines whether you will be successful on the internet or not is your mindset. If you do not have the right mindset then there is every possibility that you will probably not be successful on the internet. A lot of people have the mindset of the trying to make quick money on everything and they end up not really making it at the end of the day. This was one of the problems that I faced when I ventured into online money making as a newbie. I wanted to make quick money and I ventured into several platforms like paid to click platforms and a lot of them and I was not really pleased with the amount of money I was making from there. I had to quit and search for other ways of making money on the internet. The truth is that there is no way you can make money working on paid to click platforms instead you are wasting your time. The best thing is that you should learn a proper skill and focus on one thing and build your confidence on it. if you are interested in affiliate marketing, it is important you for us on only affiliate marketing until you succeed.
A lot of people have made it in life through online businesses , their success is made possible as a result of their mindset . I strongly believe that having a mindset is not just there factor to be successful on online business but proper mindset is what really matters . someone who wish to make 1 million naira as a result of investing online can fail because of his mindset towards the investment , he must maintain a positive mindset bye giving his time , energy , and knowledge on working on the website whom he intend to invest . Being lazy and sluggish toward making money online is a very bad mindset to have .

To be able to keep a positive mindset we must first understand how important money is and why it is important to take every opportunity serious when it comes to making money online , we must further understand that online money investment pays more better than offline money investment . And so feeding our mindset with information like this, will make us keep a sound and perfect mind towards online investment and also we will be able to invest our time , energy , and money.
One of the main factors that determines whether you will be successful on the internet or not is your mindset. If you do not have the right mindset then there is every possibility that you will probably not be successful on the internet. A lot of people have the mindset of the trying to make quick money on everything and they end up not really making it at the end of the day. This was one of the problems that I faced when I ventured into online money making as a newbie. I wanted to make quick money and I ventured into several platforms like paid to click platforms and a lot of them and I was not really pleased with the amount of money I was making from there. I had to quit and search for other ways of making money on the internet. The truth is that there is no way you can make money working on paid to click platforms instead you are wasting your time. The best thing is that you should learn a proper skill and focus on one thing and build your confidence on it. if you are interested in affiliate marketing, it is important you for us on only affiliate marketing until you succeed.
Yes @Chibson I think that most newbies have made the same mistake. I have done it too. I have also wasted my precious time in programs that have not paid me well.
I have also lost some money in the start in some scam programs.

But I have improved now. I think it is nice that person learns from mistakes and become more advanced with the passage of time.
Now I am also focusing on big goals.
I have also made 32$ in 2 days by directly working with international clients. And one day 8$ within 1.5 hour by working with a client on freelancing platform.

Now I am focusing on affliate marketing in a proper way, learning from international course and implementing strategies correctly. I have started getting results finally.
A lot of people have made it in life through online businesses , their success is made possible as a result of their mindset . I strongly believe that having a mindset is not just there factor to be successful on online business but proper mindset is what really matters . someone who wish to make 1 million naira as a result of investing online can fail because of his mindset towards the investment , he must maintain a positive mindset bye giving his time , energy , and knowledge on working on the website whom he intend to invest . Being lazy and sluggish toward making money online is a very bad mindset to have .

To be able to keep a positive mindset we must first understand how important money is and why it is important to take every opportunity serious when it comes to making money online , we must further understand that online money investment pays more better than offline money investment . And so feeding our mindset with information like this, will make us keep a sound and perfect mind towards online investment and also we will be able to invest our time , energy , and money.
Yeah quick money strategies donot work for a long run.
One may get some short term benefits from it. But sustainable business is only made after putting real efforts, time and hard work in a right direction.
One must seek knowledge related to the opportunity/job/business etc before diving into actuall business. Learning from experts of this field and copying their strategies also work.
Plus a touch of uniqueness is equally important in business.

Positive mindset helps a person to move in right direction and boost confidence to work in that field. When one focus on the hard work and results of expert people in that field then he/she gets motivated to work hard and smart to achieve similar results.

It is difficult to practice such things and quick money schemes seem more shiny than these sort of hard earned money schemes but again if one focuses on long term goals then short term than these things become easy with the passage of time.

Quality always needs hardwork, but once you have produced quality content/product/video/business/services/offers it will benefit you whole life and builds a positive reputation which also attracts further clients/potential buyers/leads.

Business requires a lot of patience. Everyone learns it in hard way.
Mind set really matters in making money online because ones you made up your mind that you want to start an online business nothing will hinder your success unless if you are have not fully made up your mind.i can say not making up your mind before starting any online business is failing to succeed in online business why because most online business needs a fully determined mind and consistency joint together with hardwork why because the task that is with online business is not as simple as passing out gasses out form the intestine through the anus, one must invest time, energy, and mind to succeed. Ones your goals is set,the next to come in place is minded even at first without having the mind set of being involved in online business, goals wouldn't be so talk more of being fully or not full ingaged. Like you just expanciate your own opinion on mind set in online business, mind set is very important in making a move to start any of the online business around the globe and for one to succed in online business, his mind must be fully and wisely made up. With a full mind set plans come to reality
Making money online is not easy and even some people that might think it's easy have actually not diversified their earning capabilities. You can say that making money online has more advantages over offline mode. The mindset is a very important drive in making money online. The mindset would determine how much money you would be able to make. There are some people who have targets to achieve daily and these targets can only be achieved when you set your mind to it. When I started making money online by posting romantic stories on a site, I was pessimistic as I was afraid if my money would be paid to me, although the proposed payout was low but I saw it as a way to see how genuine earning online could be. There are times I feel lazy and I won't have creative ideas to make a story for the site. I had to withdraw my services, when I realized I was busy selling my assets for free while the site owners were milking plenty dollars but kept paying workers peanuts. I realized even before the time the unfavourable rules, but I was in need of money and had no choice. The worst thing is the signing of an exclusive contract with the site because your story become theirs forever.
The truth of the matter is that our mindset plays a very important role in how we view things when it comes to our business be it offline or online. You might not get the desired result, but your mindset would make you see it as something achievable in the nearest future.
I totally agree with your opinion
This is one of the important fuels that powers success.

We are a product of our thinking; what we think often times is what we get in return.

That is why our mindsets is of premium importance when we talk about making money online. What we picture in our minds is what will eventually surface in the physical.

Inasmuch as we continue to think and act positively, we would continue to get positive results at the tail end.

Positivity does not mean that there won't be any challenge and other negating circumstances, it is that art of persisting despite all oppositions, it is that act of not giving up despite the ups and downs. It is important in ensuring that one does not stop due to the ever occuring challenges of life .
That is how defining our mindsets can be in all our endeavors.
So the next time you are thinking of giving up or quiting or reducing your efforts in other to achieve that set goal, think twice about that decision of thinking negatively and pick yourself up by reading books that would encourage you to continue in your pursuit, stay with people that are positive, and listen to musics or motivational messages that would power you up positively.
Our mind is so big enough to conceive whatever we feed it with. Whether it is positive or even negative, it is ready to accept it. That's why mindset is the first thing to consider in the quest for making money online and even offline.

Someone with positive mindset will always have the believe that he can achieve the goals no matter the hinderance. Remember, a positive mindset doesn't mean there won't be hinderance but he will prepare himself against all odds and believe that there is nothing that can stop him from achieving the goals he has set down to achieve.

How do we have positive mindset? Positive mindset comes from the spirit of courage and ability to see failure as s fuel rather than a bad thing. When we decide to learn from our mistakes and never afraid of failure and eben take risks, then we are building our positive mindset.

Having good models and mentors can make us have good mindset. This is because we can tap in from the knowkeh6of those that we see as our gods in any area that we may choose to earn from. Some are inspired with the way Thomas Edison never give up even after trying so many times to make sure he bulb.
Everything begins with the mindset. Mindset will determine your course of action to make money online. Your mindset will determine how fast you are going to make money online.

It is very important to develop a right mindset before you can engage in activities that will bring the money online. You are going to have problem with any money making model if you have a get-rich-quick mindset.

A get-rich-quick mindset will prevent you from having enough patient which is required to for any money making model online.

You must have it in your mindset that you need to put in some level of work before you start making money online.

You must have the determination to persist in the face of difficulty that you've been face when you want to start making money online.

You must also have it in mind that you want to learn from an expert on any money making model you choose. You can also decide to learn through trial and error, it will only take you longer time to achieve the results more than when you learn from an expert.

You must resolve in your mindset that you are not going to give up no matter how long it takes before you make money online with the model you choose.
There are some people who believes online business to be a scam and because of this you can't possibly engage such people in any of your online business or you discuss any earning opportunities with them because it is definitely a waste of time .

There are some people that have bad mindset towards earning money online and also at the same time there are some people that don't really believe in a certain way of making money online , even when they have understanding that it is possible to make money with the internet.

Yes it is quite possible for the mindset of an individual to determine how successful they will be in a particular business , sometimes if a person does not really believe in what you are doing possibly it might really be very difficult for you to convince them to agrees with you or sees it in your own point of view.

The worst will be a situation that you believe an online business is an earning opportunities you can easily make quick amount of money from, this will actually expose you to a lot of risky investment and earning opportunities that you will either lose your money or they won't pay you.
Mindset is everything and this span through everything not just making money online or offline.

Your mindset is what defines you and it is what will dictate how far you can go, confidence and faith are all siblings of mindset, if you have a I can do it mindset then your confidence and faith will skyrocket and you'll see no obstacle I front of you, but if you have a timid mindset, your self doubt will take over and you can never achieve anything remarkable.

We have to keep a positive mindset on things and how we look at them, because at the end of the day, we are the ones that can help ourselves, empower ourselves and see our self through hardships and happy moments.

We owe ourselves a positive mindset and not only a mindset we should be actively working through it, chasing it and we shouldn't rest until we see success happen.

If all you have is just a positive mindset towards success then your mindset is as good as nothing because you are not going to achieve more, but when you combine work and positive mindset then your results will be nothing short of great.
Mindset has a very great impact on how you can fully utilise the available opportunities to make as much money as possible if you really have a good mindset .

A lot of people have already given themselves negative orientation about making money and have already made up their mind that they can never make it in this life , and this is what ruins them and makes it impossible for them to get to the top where they always want to be .

A success-oriented mindset is what will definitely keep you if you are willing to keep pushing every blessed day .

We have so many people that are not willing to change their poverty mentality and start thinking towards success and this is what is holding them back .

The fact is that if you have a very negative mindset no matter how much opportunities continue to present in your direction , you will never take the bold step of being serious and utilising them to get the money that you are planning for and enjoy the kind of lifestyle you want to live .

There is a need for each and every one of us make sure that we change our mindset towards the positive direction.
Definitely, making money online demands a lot when it comes to making something substantial. The mindset matters a whole lot when making money online. There are times I wake in the morning and my mindset feels or thinks so pessimistic, no matter how much time I have at my disposal, I would not be productive that day and it would just be a total waste of my day. The mind is a very powerful tool and a drive to either success or failure. The way we position our mindset is the way things would work out in reality.

There are also days even when I know my time has been exhausted, I tend to determine that I must try and make some comments online so I accumulate some money and I find myself even going beyond the targeted comments I had in mind to achieve. The power of the mind has made many people feel discouraged and ended up positing that making money online is impossible, Despite the high level of prevalent scam online, there are still genuine ways of making money online. I know that whatever the mind can conceive, it is definitely capable of achieving. In making money online, we should have a positive mindset and also set realistic goals.
It is true that your mindset has a lot to do with the amount of money that you could make online. If you set a high goal for yourself, it will keep driving you to do more and to make more money on the internet. For instance, you cannot possibly compare the kind of effort that will be put into money-making ventures on the internet between the person that set a goal of $6 for himself in a day and the person that set a goal of $20 for himself in the day.. the person that set a goal of $20 for himself in a day will keep pushing harder in order to attain the amount that is set for himself. He would be looking for possible ways to achieve the goals and at the end, his efforts will come through. This tells you the power of your mindset on money-making ventures. It is very important to train our minds to set high goals in order to attain a financial freedom. Even if you don't have the sites that could fetch you such an amount in a day, you will keep asking questions from those that are making more money than you because you will be very curious..
No, the mindset does not matter. I have the mindset to make $3000 per month by working online, I also work hard, sometimes, 12 hours a day, I also work smart (I do a lot of automation and work in tandem with virtual assistants to ease my work), have I made $3000 per month by working online? The answer is NO! Just because you have decided on something does not help you achieve your goal. I do not want to discourage people, but I am trying to be realistic. It is good to have a positive mindset, it is good to have a goal set and work towards that goal, however, things like these do not actually help you. You will know this when you are in the field. You need to focus more on things like developing professional skills (skills that can help you more money, for instance, you can earn more money as a graphic designer instead of a content writer, you will earn more money as a programmer instead of a graphic designer.) You also need multi-tasking skills and time management skills. Multi-tasking means you do different tasks at the same time, for example, you take orders for content writing and graphic designing and start working on both projects.
No, the mindset does not matter. I have the mindset to make $3000 per month by working online, I also work hard, sometimes, 12 hours a day,...
I get where you're coming from but mindset definitely matters. You may set a goal that you don't accomplish but that doesn't mean you did not have the mind to do it. Many people do not make money online because they had the wrong mindset. They thought that as soon as they expended any effort working online, they were going to reap instant rewards. When that didn't happen, they gave up online work completely. If you are going to try to make money online, you have to set your mind to it and keep setting those monetary goals as well. ;)
Making money online is not as easy as it seems. A lot of people give up before they even start because they think it's too complicated or they don't have the right skills. But the truth is, anyone can make money online if they have the right mindset.

There are three things you need to keep in mind if you want to be successful in making money online:

1. You need to be willing to put in the work.
2. You need to be patient.
3. You need to be open to learning new things.

1. The first thing you need to do if you want to make money online is to be willing to put in the work. A lot of people think that making money online is easy because you can just sit back and let the money come in. But that's not how it works. You need to be proactive and go out there and look for opportunities.

There are a lot of ways to make money online, but most of them require you to put in some effort. You can start a blog and write articles, or you can create a YouTube channel and make videos. You can also do affiliate marketing, or you can start your own online business. Whatever you choose to do, you need to be willing to put in the work.

2. The second thing you need to do if you want to make money online is to be patient. A lot of people give up too soon because they don't see results right away. But the truth is, it takes time to make money online. You need to be patient and keep working at it.

It can take months or even years to start seeing a significant income from your online endeavors. But if you are patient and keep at it, eventually you will start to see the fruits of your labor. Just remember that it takes time to make money online.

3. The third thing you need to do if you want to make money online is to be open to learning new things. A lot of people think they already know everything they need to know about making money online. But the truth is, there is always more to learn.

There are always new opportunities and new ways to make money online. So you need to be open to learning new things. You can join forums and read articles, or you can take courses and learn from experts. Whatever you do, make sure you are always learning new things so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Making money online is not as easy as it seems. But if you have the right mindset, it is possible. You need to be willing to put in the work, you need to be patient, and you need to be open to learning new things. If you can keep these three things in mind, you will be on your way to success.