Do you stop making decisions?


VIP Contributor
Just don't do it! You'll make the wrong ones, and you'll keep making them until they are right. There's no way to know it when you start, but eventually it will happen.

The reason everyone knows this isn't because they have had a lot of experience with making decisions; it's because they have had a lot of experience with not making decisions, and those people are very good at figuring out what not to do. They know that one of the most common mistakes is trying to figure out what you should do instead of just doing nothing at all. So most people will tell you: "Don't worry about it."

But this advice doesn't help very much either, because we want our lives to be more than just a series of decisions: we want them to be interesting as well. And even if we were interested in doing nothing at all, that wouldn't give us any more control over our lives than trying to make a decision will give us. The more interesting thing would be just not doing anything at all?
A lot of times I tell people that decisions rule our lives and that's the truth. if we look at the things that happened in our lives most of them.are from the decision we took. if you make good decisions you would see the reflection in your life and if you take bad decisions you would see the results as well.

So if you want a good life then you have to take the decision to give you your desire. This is why it is always stated that we do not need to live our lives in people's hands, why? because the decision they might take on your behalf might be detrimental to our wellbeing. So you see how powerful the act of decision can be . it is what will direct the course of our lives. So it will leave us in bad situation if we do not take control of all our decision making.
The truth of the matter is you can never stop making decisions. Decisions are parts of life and it's something you cannot avoid. Let's take there thread for example, it was my choice to reply or not. Probably you also made decision to create this topic in the first place. Each and every day we decide what we wear, the food we eat, if we should go to work or not in some cases. Life is full of choices and we can only move forward when we make decisions.
Making decisions is an essential part of our daily lifes. No matter how much we hate making decisions, or no matter how bad we feel when we make the wrong decisions or how happy we feel when we make the right decisions, we just can't stop making decisions. Not being able to make decisions means we wouldn't be able to do anything, because for one to be able to do something, one has to decide between doing or not doing that particular thing. Which all brings it down to decision making. And so you see, we can't do without making decisions.
Making decision is part of our lives,we can't just do things without making decisions. To me we can't really do without making decisions because all what we do daily is by decision. No one can really stop making decisions,like what a fellow said up there,it is my decision to reply your message,our daily life style is all our decision to make. Likewise some decisions can make a positive or negative impact on one's life, reasons why it's not so good to let children making decisions themselves. We can't stop making decisions but we can put it under control why because whatever decision we try to make,the positive or negative side solely belongs to us. So let's make decisions wisely,and try to view the advantage and disadvantages of what the outcome of your decision would be like. I have seen some people who are presently regretting the decisions they took in their life.
The answer is no. We are always making decisions. We make them every day, and in ways that we can't even recognize.

The way we make decisions is to use our brain, which is constantly making decisions about what to think about next. The more you practice, the better you get at knowing what to think about next.

For example, if someone asks you a question, it's almost certainly not because they want an answer right away. They're asking because they have something they want you to do, or say something to them, or think about something, and they need your help doing that thing or saying that thing or thinking that thing.

So when someone asks you a question, it's usually not because they want an answer right away; it's because they need your help doing something else first. And then after that first thing is done (or said), they'll ask another question later on down the road or another person will ask them a different question later on down the road, and so on and so forth until all of these things get done eventually..
The only thing is that we just need to be very careful when making certain decisions in our life because sometimes certain decision might even plunge us into a very serious trouble that may be difficult for us to recover even till old age.
It's not really easy and sometimes for those that believes in religion can also ask their lord to guide them on how to make the right decision in life..

Some decisions are always very difficult for us to recover such as choosing the wrong career opportunity . This is something that may be quite difficult for you to go back again to school to study what you believe will be profitable to you in your life after you have made the wrong decision.

In every decision we make , we do not just have to do it randomly but we have to put so many things into consideration after a proper research.