Do u need much money to stay happy


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obviously having much money brings a lot of happiness to a person but one thing is certain and important to note that money does not actually bring permanent happiness but rather it offers a person temporary happiness. many people have this mindset and idea that whenever you have a lot of money every other thing is settled but that is not the case many people tend to have money but are not happy with their self either because of one situation or the other. there are many things that can make a person happy that money cannot buy.
money cannot buy love. love is an essential part which can lead to a positive and permanent happiness. when you love and Will be Loved there is a tendency that such a person would be happy. even peace of mind a person may have a lot of money but we did an inside such persons he doesn't have friends of mind.

peace of mind brings calmness to the body but when you are out there chasing money to and fro it will give you that thing of mine that you mean which is a factor of permanent happiness. I am not condemning having money but making it clear that having too much money cannot make a person happy permanency but rather it comes with temporary happiness that is it comes for a while and then it goes away leaving you in a distressed and stressed mood.
Happiness to me doesn't necessarily come from having a lot of money. Yes we need money to help us stay and be happy but we can't just be happy just because we have money I have also seen the rich sad and even depressed because of one life issues or the other.

Money wasn't one of it with all the money the person was not happy that's why we have the sayings that "the rich also cry" they are some life issues that money cannot solve that's just the truth we cannot deceive ourselves to say that money can buy us happiness. As I said earlier money can keep us comforted, money can buy us the good things of life money, can take us to a lot of places but there are some natural things that money cannot buy and this is where the real happiness comes from.

So bottom line it is good to have money but don't dwell your happiness on it.
Well,much money can make you happy but that is not entirely what it is or should be,there are some rich men and women who are not entirely happy despite them having much money. And well to me, peace of mind and a sound health is what brings happiness. If you have money you can get whatever you want and need and that alone can make you stay happy but money,but a person who has money with no love and a good health can not be happy.

There is this man that is my neighbor,he has a lot of money, infact he has businesses, money isn't a problem to him at all,but this man is not happy, while because he has health issues,which makes him sad and not lively always.

And also been happy solely rely on one self,I mean you can choose to be happy or not,I personally don't have money but I know and believe I l am more happy,or rather I live a happy life than some people who has enough money at their disposal.
Many think when you have much money you are happy and satisfied, well you might be right because with money one could buy what ever he or she want, and still provide for his or family needs effectively like sending the children to school, buying of cloth, providing food at the right time when needed, providing means of shelter etc. This is what most people view as happiness that money brings.

But money does not bring all happiness especially in the family, reason I say so is because the are many family that are not happy even with the money they possess the still are not happy even some have even gotten separated, money also can't bring long life too but with money he or she can enjoy the period he is alive so money have it limit of happiness but can't bring all happiness.

So still on what money can do many have spend million of dollars in order to bring them happiness and this is working for them because it only last temporary because when such ones dies he can't enjoy such money any more.
I need money to be very happy and without money I cannot just live a happy life because there are a lot of things that could make you comfortable and if you cannot have accessed do all these things , your life could be so boring that you won't even be happy with it.

But that does not really mean that I have to go and reap from where I did not sow. Even if I am not happy with my financial status I have to try as much as possible to work hard to make sure I achieve all the things I need and get all the things I want .

People could live a happy life even without money , but it's comes with a lot of disadvantage in the sense that you will have to suffer to get a simple things.. we just have to plan our lives to have a comfortable life.
Truly peace of mind will make the body to be calm but it will not bring happiness. I am not saying that we will not be happy when we have peace of mind, but there will be sometimes that we will just not feel happy maybe by thinking of our current situation. And also when we have money, it does not mean that we will be happy always, but we will be happy.

There are times that I will be broke and I will just think of the situation and be sad and bored for the day. Though it usually don't last long even if I still not have the money, but to give thanks to God for the gift of life and also there are some people out there that we are far better than.

So having money is not the permanent solution to been happy but part of things we need to be happy.
The availability of money is indeed the beginning of happiness. No doubt we need money to be happy and in fact an individual without money wouldn't be able to satisfy his or her needs and wants and that no doubt will make him or her feel unhappy and uncomfortable. With that being said, it is absolutely also important that we put into proper knowledge the kind of happiness that money give which is temporary happiness. As human beings we do not want to be happy temporarily but rather we need to be happy permanently because a joyful heart is likened to good medicine.

Money cannot provide to stay permanent happiness that we need but rather it only gives us temporary happiness, the only true source of permanent happiness is our relationship with God and possibly another invisible forces such as love and humility. We need to be humble and also been loving to experience permanent love.
Well, my answer comes from my personal experience. Do we need a plenty of money to be happy? My answer would be a big NO. You don't need abundance of money to be happy.. It's a known fact that Money can not buy you happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. But having said that, it is well proved that your state of mind does not function well if you are hungry and have no cloth to tolerate the weather and no shelter to have a good sleep and rest. If your basic requirements are not meant for living, your state of mind is miserable and happiness is a far fetched dream. So, the idea of happiness crosses your mind only when your basic needs are satisfied. And without any doubt, you need money to buy your basic needs. You need money to have a good personal hygiene and health. And then we all love to have few luxuries and items for decent living that is beyond the basic needs for life. And money is needed for them.
Luxuries do bring happiness. But then getting too indulged in luxurious life can be addictive and the race for money to buy all that can rob you of the mental peace and happiness.
I believe that having much money does not guarantee happiness.
At time somebody may have plenty money and yet without joy. Because some time those that we are looking at that they have enough Money to do things also crying though one may not be seeing it physically but they cried.
Some of them were not healthy like the poor people in which they also pray to have good health even though the money can be taking away. Some people get money but they don't have children that will inherit there money which always bring tears to there faces often. So haven alot of money does not guarantee happiness at all. Thanks
It is very true that with money in our pockets we can enjoy some degree of happiness but we need to be mindful that money itself cannot give permanent happiness but rather the happiness that comes with money is only temporary. It is absolutely so sad to see how majority of people pursue and chase after money as if their life depends on it and in the process of chasing after money they bring to themselves on called consequences and dehumanizing health effects such as stress and heart problems. We should only chase money only for what it is which is definitely only a resourceful except or tool that we can use to satisfy our needs and wants.

Despite how important it is for us to make money we must not put at risk or the important and useful things in our lives such as our relationship with God and our love for our family or any relationship that we are building at the moment. You never to make sure that you do not put at risk for the useful areas of your life you should only endeavour to make money that are legit.
If you have come across or interacted with wealthy people before you will understand that money cannot make you hundred percent happy. What usually makes people happy is their state of mind and not the amount of money they have.

Sometimes, the more money you have the more worried you will actually become to make more money especially if you're a business person. The people you see who have billions of dollars may actually not be happy but you may not know.

Somebody who does not have money may think that the only thing you need to be happy in life is money which is actually not true. Money is important actually and you can actually use money as a tool to become happy but money itself will not make you happy. You only become happy when you are contented with your level of achievement. But if you are not contented with your achievement, you will actually not become happy.