Do something to gain something


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✏️The difference between those who START and those who NEVER START is COURAGE.

✏️The difference between those who make PROGRESS and those who don't is CONSISTENCY.

✏️The difference between those who GIVE UP and those who GO ON is PERSISTENCE.

*✏️And the reward of COURAGE
We just can't expect something to come out of nothing. We need to put something in before we should be expecting output. And what we put in, is that we determine what we come outside. That's why we need to do something to gain something. However, in anything we wish to do or plan to do there must be proper research on order to ensure accuracy.
Anyone who is interested in becoming successful in life must be willing to pay the price because nothing comes easy.

A lot of people stay one place and hope that things will get better and after some time they realise that there is nothing like that. So if you want to be successful in life it is very much important you try as much as possible to be very strict on yourself because one of the main reasons a lot of people do not make it in life is because always have self-pity.
If you want to be successful in life that has some that thing things you must do and some of them are;

Seeking knowledge: There is no successful man who is not knowledgeable. if you really want to succeed in life you must try as much as possible to seek proper knowledge and understanding of how some certain things works, you must try as much as possible to learn from people that are very successful in the business you want to venture into.

Discipline: The simple truth is that you cannot really achieve much in life if you are not very disciplined. you must be disciplined to carry out your duties at the right point in time. You must be discipline to reject some certain things that may distract you.
I agree with you 100%. In order to gain something, you must do something and that is why, I always posit that even in making money online on some sites like forums which do not require a deposit, you still have to put in something like your quality time, creativity and persistence before you can get something. Making money both online and offline is not easy and as such, one has be psychologically ready to go through its rigors and challenges. It is quite surprising how people would think that making money online is easy yet they still choose to work offline.

In anything we do, persistence is very important but this does not mean that we must remain in jobs or ventures which is sapping and adding no value to our lives. At some point, we should always know when to quit, but not without trying at all. Money does not fall like manna from above and I do not think such time would ever surface. As humans, our essence is to strive everyday to bring meaning and also discover our purpose and work towards it. There is always a sacrifice to be made in order to achieve something and in most cases, it is hard work and determination.
A lot of people have the thinking or believe that God's grace covers them and as a result of his grace they will not have to lack anything ranging from their personal needs to their material needs . people with such kind of thinking should understand that God only help those who help themselves in other words they have to work for God to bless them . Being lazy and idle puts you in a very vulnerable and negative position . Rather than being idle and lazy do your self good by engaging yourself in positive activities that will earn you money thereby being your means of income .

It is 100% true that in order to have something you have to work for it . Same is applied to money in order to get money you have to put yourself through some financial activities in order to earn money . Most of the richest and financially successful people that we know today , didn't just wake up one day and occupy the title as being the richest and most successful , rather they passed through some series of financial activities in order for them to earn such title for themselves . Although not everyone is opportune to be rich it is yet important that you should indulge yourself in financial gaining activities .
Someone once said people are willing and ever ready to pay anyone that has the solution to their problem. The world where we live in today, there are so many problems that needs solution, once you are able to offer these solutions, you will definitely earn money in return. The problem with this generation is that they want to earn lots of money without actually making an working for it or giving out something if equal value.
Thank you for sharing , this is really encouraging and this should also encouraged those that are interested to make money online or startup any business of their choice this year because if we are to sit back and complain about everything we may not likely be able to get anything from it.

It is even the best for us to start up anything we are interested to do now and if what we are starting up is something that people will benefit from it will definitely also be of a great advantage for us because we will definitely generate profit from it , There are so many advantage if we are starting up a business that have something reasonable to offer to the masses

Dedication is just the most important thing in life and that is what we are always advise on. When we have dedicated our time to understand a particular thing we can confidently engage in them perfectly and earn some profit if possible.

Sometimes starting up something may not really be easy at the beginning but it is just for us to understand that all these things are things that everyone have to pass through in each and every area of their business and life.