Different kinds of Content


VIP Contributor
If you want to build your career in the content industry, you need to understand the different kinds of content you can create and the skills you need to create these different kinds of content.

Visual: Visual content is basically graphics such as slide presentations and infographics.

Text: Study, feedback, research, recap, news, interview, educational article, blog post, and forum posts are text-based content. In fact, all kinds of written work are classified as text-based content.

PDF: These are also text-based content, however, they are classified into a different category because of their format. These type of content include manuals, white paper, tutorial, product comparison, templates, checklist, ebook, workbooks etc.

Interactive content: Quizees, polls, tests are basically interactive content.

Audio: Audiobooks, podcasts, audio webinar, etc. are audio content.

Video: Video, webinar, live event, online conference are video content. Video content are basically audio-visual content.

In order to build different kinds of content you need writing, speaking, video making and graphic designing skills.
Here is a non-comprehensive rundown of the most widely recognized content sorts:

Blog entries
Virtual entertainment content
Digital books
Video content
Online courses
Contextual investigations
White papers
Public statements
It is amazing how the internet has revolutionized the world. Content creation has become a booming industry because of the power of the internet. Now, creative people, whatever capacity have a platform to be heard and paid for their creativity. The other side of it though is that so many people have saturated the content creation industry and are feeling content that is not worth a second look.

If you are good with demonstrating, the best type of content for you to enter is visual content. If you can paint pictures with words, the best part of content creation for you is textual content. It seems that visual content pays the most. I think it is so because people prefer to see things demonstrated than having to just hear them or read them to decipher the message. I believe the content creation industry would keep improving over time for us content creators.