Dealing with Bullying at Workplace


VIP Contributor
Bullying in the workplace is real because you would be working with humans with diverse personality. Sometimes a bully might not really know this; it might just be them trying to be in control but obviously to the detriment of others. But the one bullied will be very uncomfortable with the situation and if not handle properly can fall into depression. So you need to stand up as soon as you realized you are being bullied in the workplace.

Start with discussing with the bully

The bully might not even be aware of how you are affected by these traits. So you speak up and let the person know. If it is done unknowingly, I’m sure you will get an apology. But the bottom-line is to meet up with this seemly bully first.

Report the issue to appropriate authority

If you are try the first tip and it isn’t working, then you need to report the issue to those in charge. But you need to be polite about it. Then make it look as if you are in a fight with the person. Leave the decisions be taken by the authority.

Leaving the job option

If you have a better offer and the bully has refused to change towards you, it might just be the right time for you to resign and leave the job. You need to guard your mind and sanity and don’t give anyone the opportunity to turn you mad.

What do you think?


Valued Contributor
This is indeed a very crucial topic, and everyone must contribute to this is one way or another to see that we bring this bullying thing to an end in our religious, corporate, And social environment. Bullying has really destroyed the fabrics of our system as a nation, it has grown so bold that even the children of nowadays have little or no regards for their parents lets alone their teachers at school. We have seen and heard about several cases of bullying which has in some cases led to the death of an innocent fellow. I think there should be an open flow where people will be able to report any case of bullying and immediate actions should be taken to such effect.


VIP Contributor
I agree with you bullying is one aspect that needs to looked into because it is really a serious issue can really make depressed if not handle properly. Some people have even committed suicide or have suicidal thoughts as they was no body to help them out or they didn't speak out on time. so bullying in the workplace must not be given a place to thrive and should be reported.