Cosmetic Procedures To Tackle Under Eye Dark Circles


Under eye dark circles can be caused by a number of things, but they are often the result of poor sleep habits, stress or sickness. There are many cosmetic procedures that can help to reduce the appearance of under eye circles, including dermal fillers and laser treatments.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid and are injected into the skin to plump up lines and wrinkles. They can also be used to treat under eye dark circles because they increase collagen production. When collagen production is increased, the skin becomes tighter and more youthful looking. Dermal fillers will smooth out creases and wrinkles around the eyes so that they appear less prominent than before treatment began.

Laser Treatments

Lasers have been shown to improve firmness around the eyes as well as elasticity in this area of skin. Laser treatments help to even out pigmentation in your skin so that it looks more uniform than before treatment began (which can make dark circles appear less noticeable). They also increase blood circulation throughout your body which helps improve overall health and wellbeing by providing oxygenation where needed most!.