Treating Skin Burns Caused By Using Cosmetic Products


If you've ever experienced a skin burn from using cosmetic products, you know that it can be painful and difficult to deal with. Burns from cosmetic products are typically caused by ingredients such as acids, retinoids, and exfoliating ingredients.

If you have a burn from using a cosmetic product, the best thing to do is to immediately stop using the product and consult with your physician or dermatologist. If possible, bring the container of the product to your appointment so that your doctor can identify it for you.

If you need a quick fix before seeing your doctor, here are some tips:

1) Rinse the area with cool water for at least 15 minutes.

2) Apply aloe vera gel or an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to reduce inflammation and pain.

3) If there is blistering or peeling in place of normal skin texture on your skin after application of aloe vera or hydrocortisone cream; apply Vaseline instead until they go away (usually within 2 days).