4 Everyday Skincare Hacks For Sensitive Skin


Sensitive skin is the bane of many a skincare routine. It's not uncommon to find yourself scrubbing your face, only to have it feel dry and flaky by the end of the day.

But here are four everyday skincare hacks for sensitive skin that will make you feel like a pro:

1. Switch to gentle cleansers. If you're still a little skeptical about gentler cleansers, try one that's specifically formulated for sensitive skin (like this one).

2. Use oil-based products sparingly and only at night after cleansing your skin. Oil-based skincare products can be soothing on sensitive skin, but if you're using them every day, they'll build up on your face and cause breakouts or irritation. Try using oil-free moisturizers instead in the morning and throughout the day!

3. Don't use harsh scrubs or exfoliating products on sensitive areas of your face where acne scars are present. they could irritate them even more if you're already sensitive!

4. Avoid overly harsh soaps at all costs. they can irritate sensitive skin and cause acne breakouts!