Component that makes up feasibility study


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We need to know that the structure of feasibility study differ from one person to another. The user of his study include investors, bankers!/lenders etc. The user emphasize what is important to him/her. However, in general terms the following represent the he structure that feasibility study takes:

Executive review :

This serves as the opening section of the feasibility study as it gives brief but salient information about the entire report. It reveals the aim of studying, the sponsor, the product in focus, the customer /market for the product in focus, the customer/market for the product.

Environment analysis:

To every business, there is an environment where it operates. This environments are hostile while others are conducive to survival, profitability and expansion. The interaction between these environment and the organization will determine whether it will succeed or not. The analysis of this environment is very essential as it will showcase objectives of the business unveil it importance of the business to the society, project the customers, government regulation and other regulatory authorities, location, support facilities and so on.