Customer insight is a crucial component of marketing


VIP Contributor
In order to effectively sell a product or service, you must first understand who you are selling it to. This means learning everything possible about your target market's wants and needs, as well as what they think about your products and services.

Customer insight is an ongoing process that cannot be completed once and forgotten about. You must continually monitor the feedback you receive from customers, as well as any changes in the market that may affect your business model.

Marketing is all about making connections with people, connections that can lead to profitable business relationships. When you have a firm understanding of your customers' wants, needs, and desires, then you're able to create content that resonates with them on an emotional level while also providing information they find useful.
For example, let's say you have a clothing store with a new line of dresses that are designed for women who like to go hiking. You know this because one of your customers told you she loves hiking but hates wearing pants when she does so because they get dirty easily when she falls down while climbing up mountains. She also told you that she doesn't like wearing pants while playing basketball because they get caught in her knees when she jumps up high enough to dunk the ball into the hoop.

If you had not learned these things about this particular customer through customer insight, then you would have no idea why she chose one dress over another one or why she chose this particular store over others with similar offerings, even though both are marketed toward women interested in both sports and fashion.


VIP Contributor
Customer insight is the foundation of all marketing. Without an understanding of your customer's needs, wants and desires, you will never be able to create a product or service that they actually want or need. And while it's important to understand what the market is doing at any given time, it's even more important to understand what your customer wants and needs, and why theywant and needit.

To do this, you must be willing to ask questions that make customers feel uncomfortable. You have to be willing to listen with an open mind and heart, without judgment or preconceived notions about what they might say. You have to be willing to take notes, listen carefully and ask follow-up questions as needed in order to get a clear picture of what makes your customers tick. So how do you go about doing this? There are two main ways: First, use surveys and interviews; second, watch them interact with your product or service in real time (or via video). It might take you some time to achieve this, but it will pay off in the long run.