Collect Moments Not Things And Watch Your Finances Improve


It's time to collect moments, not things.

It may seem like a simple idea, but if you're anything like me, it can be incredibly difficult to stop collecting things and start collecting moments.

And let's face it: we have enough stuff in our lives. We have way too much stuff. Just take a look around your house right now. how many things do you actually need? Can any of them really serve you well? And even if they could, how much stuff do you really need?

The truth is that our lives are so full of clutter and distraction that we rarely find the time or energy to just sit down and enjoy the moment. And while it's easy to get caught up in other people's dramas or problems, sometimes we forget how important it is to focus on ourselves and what matters most in life: our relationships with others and ourselves.

So how do you change this habit? It's simple: start collecting moments instead of things! Make goals for yourself about what kind of memories you want to create and then write down three specific plans for making those memories happen. you can do by start recording your expenses.

This will help you to see where you're spending money, and it will also help you to understand how much you actually spend each month.

You can use a spreadsheet or some other kind of software that records all your transactions, or you can just write down everything in a notebook and keep track yourself.

It's up to you! But whatever you choose, just make sure that when it comes time to pay your bills, or put money away for retirement, or whatever else it is that you need to do with your money, there's some way of tracking what exactly happened where so that you can figure out if there was anything else that could have been done differently and then take action on those changes.