Cocoa Butter Production


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Cocoa butter is extracted from cocoa at a very high temperature to make chocolate candies, sweets and some pharmaceutical products. It is basically gotten from cocoa beans which is contained in cocoa. Cocoa is majorly grown is South Western area of Nigeria and was one of the sources of income for Nigeria in the 60s and 70s before Nigeria diversified solely to Oil an Gas. It is rumoured that earnings from cocoa was used to build a the popular Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in the 60s.

There are many companies in Nigeria that engages in Cocoa butter production which is used in the production of chocolate and other cocoa based drinks. A popular example is Cadbury Nigeria which is famously known for the cocoa butter based product Eclairs and Bournvita. Establishing a cocoa butter factory can be quite expensive but with loans and tax grants from the government, it is achievable.
I heard that cocoa butter is good as it is used to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin, cocoa butter contains a substance that improves the flow of blood to the skin and also slow skin ageing. It is also used to smooth scars, wrinkles and other appearance of stretch mark on the body.
Cocoa butter is a type of fat that comes from cocoa beans. To harness cocoa butter, the beans are taken out of the larger cacao plant. Then they’re roasted, stripped, and pressed to separate out the fat—the cocoa butter. The remnants are then processed into cocoa powder.

Cocoa has been used in medicine for around 3,000 years. It was a favorite ingredient of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, who even used cocoa for currency. More recently, researchers have discovered that compounds called phytochemicals in cocoa might help keep both your body and skin healthy.