Causes of vomiting in children.


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While certain causes of pediatric vomiting are often unharmful, others pose a serious risk to the child's life. Some may last a short while, while others result in persistent or repeated vomiting.

The following conditions can cause vomiting in kids:

An infection in the digestive tract is the root cause of gastroenteritis, also referred to as "gastro" or a stomach bug. This infection is mostly viral, although it can also be bacterial. People, especially youngsters, can readily contract these diseases from one another. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain are symptoms of gastroenteritis.

Babies under the age of six months should be evaluated by a doctor if they have gastroenteritis since they are more likely to become dehydrated from the condition than children and small babies.

Although rotavirus immunization is recommended against it, it is a common cause of severe gastroenteritis in infants.
You must not give any child drugs or self-medicatio before you carry him or her to the hospital.