Causes of poor blood circulation


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1. Varicose veins
These are enlarged veins caused by valve failure, they are mostly found on the back of the legs. The damaged veins can move blood very well like the other veins so there will be a problem of poor circulation of blood .
2. Diabetes
Diabetes doesn't only affect your blood sugar it also cause poor circulation in some areas of your body. This includes pain in your calves, buttocks, thighs or cramping in your legs.
Diabetes can also cause blood vessel and heart problems, people with diabetes are at an high risk of having heart disease and high blood pressure
3. Obesity
Extra pounds put a burden on your body, if you are actually overweight it can also lead to blood circulation ad well.
It is mostly caused by being obese or overweight that is why it is always advisable to engage in exercise daily
Not eating healthy diet that provides nutrient that we need to the body can make the body to start reacting to things the wrong way which can cause poor blood circulation
Poor blood circulation can be caused by being obese as the high cholesterol in the body blocks the blood flowing very well
Poor blood circulation are mostly caused by not engaging in exercise which makes the cholesterol to store in the body leading to blockage of blood
Poor blood circulation can be due to the diseases or infections in the body that is why it is important to always take proper care of our health
When there is high cholesterol in the body it did not allow blood to circulate through the body