Causes of Measles


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Measles are otherwise known as rubeolawhich is an acute illness that is very communicable it is endemic in large metropolitan areas but seasonal usually dry season in small areas it is caused by paramyxovirus the mode of transmission is by droplet infection man is the reservoir in an organised population above 90% would have had music by the age of five years the incubation period is 10 days between exposure and occurrence of fever is 10 days between exposure and occurrence of rash is 14 days the period of communicability is from the appearance of fever to 4 days after appearance of rash everybody is susceptible to the disease except infants of mothers who had the disease this gives the infant passive immunity for her 24 months of life there are many symptoms of these diseases like Prodomal phase, specific enanthem and stage of rashand there are many chronic complications of this tuberculosis like diarrhoea dehydration protein energy malnutrition upper respiratory tract infection and also pneumonia particularly bronchopneumonia but does that take the measles vaccine at nine months of age it has even been reduced to six months of age the was in Converse lifelong immunity so it is important to make sure to take the vaccine
Airborne infection (droplet nuclear infection) is the main transmission route. When a measles patient coughs or sneezes, a spray containing the measles virus is scattered around, and the spray dries and the virus floats in the air for a while. It can infect people who breathe air that contains this virus. There are also droplet infections and contact infections.