Causes of fibroid in the female fallopian tube.


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Fibroid is very common in some countries in the world. This is happening in form of a tumor in fallopian tube of a married and a single ladies.
Causes of fibroid is not yet know but some factors such as generally race and infertility are associated with it.
Most of fibroid normally occur in uterus and some occur in cervix or even in the broad ligament.
The fibroid may be symptomless in the body but the clinical features are.
Abdominal mass menorrhagia, irregular bleeding,amenorrhea pressure symptoms, infertility if the tumor is at ovarian junction.
Fibroid can be investigated by using a scan machine, to detect the level of fibroid in the fallopian tube or uterus.
Fibroid can be reduced in size especially in the post menopausal women.
If a pregnant woman has a well-developed fibroid, surgery is never done until after delivery to avoid several bleeding.
For fibroid that is symptom-free it will be good to leave it alone but if it is more than 12th week pregnancy size, it should be removed, more so if the woman complain of infertility.