Causes of ear pain


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Ear pain mostly happen to children but it can also happen to adult
Causes of ear pain
1. Due to tooth infection
2. Allergies
3. Ruptured eardrum
4. Altitude pressure changes
5. Sinus infection
6. Build up of ear wax
7. Swimmer ear it can be caused by water that is not clean which got stuck in the outer ear canal after done with swimming which creates an environment for infections like bacteria
8. Ear pain can also be caused by using cotton swab, finger or other object to scratch the ear
9. Ear pain can be caused by listening to sound with high volume using earpiece, ear bud or ear phones Everytime
We should always make sure we take care of ear to avoid any implications or issues
Using earpiece for long with a high h volume damages the ear and using of any how object to clean also causes ear pain
Inserting any object into ear causes ear problem which can lead to ear pain that is why it is good to only use cotton bud to clean our ear
Ear pain can arise gradually or all of a sudden. The pain can feel dull, sharp, or burning, and can be temporary or ongoing. Usually, the pain arises in only one ear, but sometimes it can appear in both ears.
Swimmer’s ear — also known as otitis externa (infection of the outer ear and ear canal) — can be caused by unclean water that gets stuck in the outer ear canal after swimming, creating an ideal environment for infection-causing bacteria.
Children are more likely to get ear infections than adults, in part because their eustachian tubes are smaller and straighter, which makes it harder for fluid to drain out. Their immune systems are also still developing, which makes them more susceptible to infections.
Air pain is caused due to putting of sharp objects in the ear.when you put objects in the ear it starts to ache so don't put any object in the ear to avoid ear pain.use cutton buds instead .also try not to use earpiece all the Time because of too much noise
Ear pain is caused due to putting of sharp objects in the ear.when you put objects in the ear it starts to ache so don't put any object in the ear to avoid ear pain.use cutton buds instead .also try not to use earpiece all the Time because of too much noise
Ear pain can be caused by infection or diseases in the ear
Ear pain can be due to improper care of the ear that is why it is always important to take proper good care of our ear
Using any object to clean the ear causes the ear pain that is why it is advisable to use only cotton bud to clean ear