Causes of blood shortage in the human body.


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The red blood cell in the body has the duty of keeping the human body healthy and afloat . We are all use today saying that someone has a low blood pressure count but have you ever asked yourself what this mean . This simply means that the person has a blood shortage all the persons red blood cells is few and is not able to keep the body organs effectively and efficiently working . Sometimes when we fall sick our red blood cell tends to reduce as a result of channeling a lot of red blood vessels to build up the infected or one out part of the body . No wonder after a severe illness like malaria , typhoid , and other heart disease our doctors usually encourage us to take a blood drug medicine .

Sometimeswe engage in daily activities and practices that slowly drains our blood thereby leading to shortage of blood or low blood pressure . Engaging in too much sexual activities can also reduce our blood . Doctors and health analysts have made series of studies and have come out with the finalization that 75% of the human seeds contents of blood and daily wasting of this life building Force slowly drains our red blood cells making it impossible for our bodies to with stand illnesses and sicknesses .
There are many causes of shortage of blood in the human body. Blood circulating perfectly in the bloodstream of a human being shows evidence of enough blood in the human body. There are many factors that make the blood short in the human body.
Infections are from uncleaned water, foods, and some environmental factors, such as pollution of the air by the burning of dump waste materials that contain chemical content.
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The human body contains five liters of blood. This blood is responsible for many bodily functions, such as transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body so that cells can grow and produce energy. It also carries waste products away from cells and helps fight infections.

Blood is made up of several components: red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma (the liquid part of blood). Red cells contain hemoglobin that allows them to carry oxygen throughout the body. White cells help fight infection by attacking bacteria, viruses, or other foreign invaders that enter the bloodstream. Platelets are very small fragments of cells that stick together when there is a cut or scratch on the skin, forming a "plug" to stop bleeding. Plasma carries all these components and also helps maintain normal blood pressure.

A number of things can cause a reduction in any one component of blood, which results in decreased ability to perform its function properly. For example, low levels of red cell count due to anemia may result in shortness breath or fatigue because there isn't enough oxygen being delivered through the bloodstream; high levels of white cell counts could indicate an infection somewhere inside your body; low levels of platelets.
Yes, you have made some reliable and expensive point for causes of blood shortages in humans body.

But let us quickly look at this as a others factors that lead to blood shortage, e.g too much dry gin without meal can also reduced blood in the systems.

Lack of protein food that can lead to miss functioning of red blood cell.

And if there is too much of virus in body system blood can be shortage.
In human body there are different types of blood cells which work to keep the body functions properly. The blood keeping the human body healthy and fit. In human body the males and females. In human body the males and females contain different amount of blood .
The one biggest cuase of blood shortage is BLOOD PRESSURE .
Blood pressure is also consist of high and low. Both high and low pressure is dangerous for human body . It can also lead to human death.
Cause of high blood pressure:

When the weight of human body is overweight.
• The main cause of high blood pressure is eating to much salt and don't eat enough vegetables and fruits.
Blood shortage or anemia can be caused by various factors including nutritional deficiencies (such as iron, vitamin B12, and folate), chronic diseases (such as kidney disease), genetic conditions (such as sickle cell anemia), blood loss from injury or surgery, and certain medications (such as chemotherapy). It's important to identify the underlying cause of anemia and address it accordingly to prevent complications.