Can sports betting be considered a business?


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As the economy continues to struggle, we are constantly seeking new ways of generating money and making ends meet.
It is easy to see why online betting appeals to Nigerians. The lure of making seemingly easy money is almost impossible to resist.
But is sports betting the answer? Some even say they treat is as business. Could this be right?
Well betting is delusional, there are two players, the ones among the top 5 percent and those in the bottom 95 percent. Betting enriches the top 5 percent and the bookmakers while the 95 percent suffers. Really, how can you successfully predict the outcome of 22 players on the field? If you get your prediction right it was pure luck.
Don't treat sports betting as a business, treat it as something that you do once in a while. And also do it with money you can afford to lose.
As the economy continues to struggle, we are constantly seeking new ways of generating money and making ends meet.
It is easy to see why online betting appeals to Nigerians. The lure of making seemingly easy money is almost impossible to resist.
But is sports betting the answer? Some even say they treat is as business. Could this be right?
Well betting is delusional, there are two players, the ones among the top 5 percent and those in the bottom 95 percent. Betting enriches the top 5 percent and the bookmakers while the 95 percent suffers. Really, how can you successfully predict the outcome of 22 players on the field? If you get your prediction right it was pure luck.
Don't treat sports betting as a business, treat it as something that you do once in a while. And also do it with money you can afford to lose.
I would personally not advise anyone to take sport betting as your main source of income or a business per say except of course you are dannyokec?, because of the volatile and unpredictable nature of the sport, there are many factors way above your control that Could make you lose big time on the long run. Treat sport betting as a side income and find peace.
As the economy continues to struggle, we are constantly seeking new ways of generating money and making ends meet.
It is easy to see why online betting appeals to Nigerians. The lure of making seemingly easy money is almost impossible to resist.
But is sports betting the answer? Some even say they treat is as business. Could this be right?
Well betting is delusional, there are two players, the ones among the top 5 percent and those in the bottom 95 percent. Betting enriches the top 5 percent and the bookmakers while the 95 percent suffers. Really, how can you successfully predict the outcome of 22 players on the field? If you get your prediction right it was pure luck.
Don't treat sports betting as a business, treat it as something that you do once in a while. And also do it with money you can afford to lose.
I would personally not advise anyone to take sport betting as your main source of income or a business per say except of course you are dannyokec?, because of the volatile and unpredictable nature of the sport, there are many factors way above your control that Could make you lose big time on the long run. Treat sport betting as a side income and find peace.
First , I think the comparison should be whether sport betting is a good source of income for a gambler ,and not whether it is a good business ,because for a gambler it is never a business . Sport betting is only a business to the person who owns the betting shop or company.

Now , coming to whether sport betting is a good source of income . It is unfortunate that most times people develop the mindset that , in sport betting, one can not be scammed as the event is played live. This is true , but this doesn't invalidate the fact that is gambling ,and gambling is a risky source of income ,which is also very addictive. Ma y people have recked their business because of sport betting.

To me , I think it shouldn't be seen as a source of income ,but something that should be tried , with spare money .
There are two categories of people when it comes to sport betting. The bookmarkers, the owner of the sport betting websites and those that place bets. Sport betting can be seen as a business only to the bookmarkers.

It is the bookmarkers that set up the betting system, hire people to run the system, do the marketing and promotion, creating annex through agents etc

The bookmarkers are into sport bet to make more money. And they have configure the system to favour them against those who are placing the a pure business to them.

On the other hand, those that place bets are into sport betting for luck. The odd against them is very low and it will be full to see sport betting as a business. The reason is that the chances of winning is pretty much slim. A person can play bets for years and still not win.
Haha, I would strongly advise going into sport betting not to talk of making your own personal source of income. At the end of it all, you would notice you end up losing much more than you gain because of the unpredictable nature of the sport. You may think you star plays would shine but might be the day they just don't pick at all. Another things is that thing is very addictive so stay away
For me I can't take a sport betting as a business,sport betting is a gambling, let's just say out of 100% people who play sport betting at least 25% I've benefited from sport betting so I don't call that a business, you can choose to do it once in a while and also stake amount you will be able to lose, even when winning in sport betting the money still go back to them because wen you win more ,it will pish you to play again, in this process you will lose more, so it's not a business.
It can only be considered as a business if you are the owner of the betting site, if you're not the owner of the betting site then I will not advise you to take this as a longtime business because a lot of people that are into betting are also looking for a way to come out because on the long run it can become an addiction.
Sport betting can not be regarded as a business. It is a game of sheer luck because you completely have absolutely no control whatsoev on the outcome; regardless of how good a punter you think you are. You can get luck and get so rich if you get it right or lose a fortune if you get it wrong.
For me, sports betting is actually gambling because you bet and you can win and you can also lose. Yeah, it is almost the same as business where you can profit or lose. But in gambling there is no clear indication of how to win unlike in business where there are studies that can help you in being successful in your business.
As the economy continues to struggle, we are constantly seeking new ways of generating money and making ends meet.
It is easy to see why online betting appeals to Nigerians. The lure of making seemingly easy money is almost impossible to resist.
But is sports betting the answer? Some even say they treat is as business. Could this be right?
Well betting is delusional, there are two players, the ones among the top 5 percent and those in the bottom 95 percent. Betting enriches the top 5 percent and the bookmakers while the 95 percent suffers. Really, how can you successfully predict the outcome of 22 players on the field? If you get your prediction right it was pure luck.
Don't treat sports betting as a business, treat it as something that you do once in a while. And also do it with money you can afford to lose.
Though I do see many people betting and winning . Sometimes many people do fall pray by some scammer who pretend to be good betting company but they are nothing but a scammer.
One of my friend fall prey in the hand of the scammer by paying to them and they told him that they has not seen any alert that he should send another money.
Though it pay for some people but also hurt many people badly.
In one of the article I wrote here, I highlighted some of the reasons why betting should not be treated like a business. There is no dignity in gamblers. Hardly will a gambler tell his family and friends that he's proud of what he does unlike businesses. Besides, gambling is s game of luck and the outcome depends on some peole activities where as your business depend on you.
In betting or gambling one need to know that anything that goes with it is 50/50 if you win then you can but if you lose you can't blame anyone to be betting is not a business but rather it is a try your luck scheme and gamblers are liable to be broke
Yes it can be considered a business because there are some people that make a living from it and I have actually encountered some of those people.

They have strategies in which they use to make money on daily basis consistently from sports betting. Those people are usually very disciplined set of people and they are always contended with the amount of money they make on daily basis. They take it as a form of trading and they make a lot of money from it on daily basis just like people who trade forex and cryptocurrency.

Personally, I wouldn't consider sports betting as a business because I have lost a lot of money on the venture and I have tried as much as possible to prevent myself from venturing to it again. But that does not change the fact that there are many people making good amount of money on daily basis from it. It is all about having a very good strategy and being very disciplined.

There are also a lot of people that make money as sports betting companies agents, they manage an offline shop for betting companies and they make a lot of money from it on monthly basis..
How will someone sees sport betting as a business. Betting sports is risky as it only requires to make some predictions and if we are lucky and the results is as e predicted then we will win, if not then our money is gone.
Though I know of some guys in my area that there only source of income is from betting sports and they do win most of there bets.
But it is still not advisable to always play sport betting. We can see it as fun and play it once in a blue moon not always.

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