Can Education Be An Investment?

Can education be an investment?
Education is indeed an investment. We all go to school and acquire knowledge, and part of that comes from gaining employment and other benefits. Getting an education is thus an investment, though some argue that it is difficult to find work even with a high school diploma, so to them, education is no longer an investment but a waste of time, energy, and resources.

Well, that may be partially true, but not entirely. The main purpose of education in your life is to arm you with weapons, but it is you who determines your victory in battle based on how you apply your skills and knowledge.
If you think you're going to school because you'll get a government job and get paid after graduation, that's a bad mindset that will frustrate you later.

Get an education to improve your skills and abilities, and you will realize that education is an elevator that will take you to the upper floors of life.​