Business Plans or capitals which one is important.


Active member
We both need capitals and business plans to run a business successfully, our todays discussion is bassed on two of them, which one do you think is more important when starting up a business, seriously You need the both of them in other to run your business successfully, but I want you guys to look up on this, get to think of it when you are starting up a new business capitals are very important you can not start up a business without capitals, you need capitals to start up a business of any kind and also if you start up a business and don't plan the business ,there is a high possibility that the business might fail. Seriously It get me thinking which one do you think is important while starting up a business, if you will ask me I will say both of them are very important but I believe one among them is much more important. Members in this forum I will like it if we distinguish the difference between both of them, here is the question that I need more clearification, between business plans and capitals which one is important. I will await your response.