Benefits of eating pineapples


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1. Pineapple is very rich in vitamin c which helps to boost our immune system and alsoo provides antioxidants benefits
2. Pineapple is low in calories and contains high vitamins and minerals and also do not include trans fat or saturated fat which helps in weight loss
3. Pineapple helps to aid digestion
4. Bromelain in pineapple helps to reduce the effect of diarrhea
5. Pineapple contains manganese which helps to make our bones stronger and also make us have a healthy bone
5. Pineapple contains vitamin c which helps to reduce the risk of having certain diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and also a great source of antioxidants
6. Pineapple helps to reduce the risk of cancer due to the high antioxidants properties present in it


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Pineapple is my favorite fruit due to its nutritious taste and the benefits that we derive from it and it also helps in boosting our immune system


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Pineapple is a good source of antioxidants and also helps to fight diseases off or reduce the risk of developing any health issues


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Pineapple is rich in different kinds of nutrient and it also helps to aid digestion faster and it also helps to fight certain diseases in the body

Rumaisa Adeel

Active member
Pineapple is a great source of vitamin C, B vitamins, fiber, and minerals like manganese,” says Julie Andrews, RDN, a chef based in Appleton, Wisconsin.
You’ll find pineapple offered fresh, frozen, and canned, making it a year-round option for those living in the United States. Canned pineapple is convenient, but be sure to look for an option that’s packed in its own juices, not syrup, says Allison Knott, RDN, a dietitian in New York City. “Fruit naturally contains sugar in the form of fructose, so even the canned fruit in its own juice will have grams of sugar listed on the label,” she says. “However, the syrup is considered added sugar and will increase the total grams of sugar while contributing to added sugar intake for the day.”


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Fruits generally helps to make the body healthy and it provides the body with vital and necessary helps to make the food digest easily and pineapple Also provides the body with Also gives the body strength and energy so try eating pineapple for a better and healthy life


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Pineapple provides vital nutrient to the body which helps in our immune system and also makes us healthy


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Pineapple are really good for boosting our immune system because of the nutrient we derive from it and it is also good for our eye health


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Pineapple is really good for heart and kidney heart because of the nutrient that it contains which helps to keep the organs in our body healthy


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In addition to the benefits that has been mentioned by both the OP and other members, Pineapple is an amazing tropical fruits that contain so many nutritional benefits. They are packed with many medicinal and nutritional properties that human body can benefit from when consumed. Pineapple are loaded with various kinds of vitamins as well as minerals such as manganese and vitamin C. Pineapple are also an excellent source of antioxidants, as a result of this they may helps in reducing the risk of developing some chronic health diseases such as diabetes, heart cancer among others.

Pineapple is one of the most common type of fruit in the world, it is well known even by a toddler. Pineapple can be consumed as a juice, and they has a sweet and delicious taste and they are healthy fruit. Above all, pineapples are very low in calories in fact a cup is believed to contain less than 100 calories. Thus, Consuming Pineapple can keep your body weight under control.

However, one of the other benefits that makes pineapple well known in the world is their ability to build and strengthen bones. Consuming or drinking pineapple juice can helps you to maintain a strong and healthy bones. This is due to the presence of manganese in pineapple.