Benefits of drinking lemon water


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1. Drinking lemon helps to promote hydration
2. It is a good source of vitamin c which helps in protecting cells from damaging the free radicals and this vitamin c also helps to reduce the risk of low blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular disease
3. It is also good for weight loss most especially when you drink it first thing in the morning before any other food
4. It is very good for the skin it helps to prevent skin wrinkling, skin burn and dry skin
5. It prevents constipation by aiding digestion most especially hot or warm lemon after waking up
6. It prevents bad breath by drinking a glass of lemon after meal and also first thing in the morning
7. It prevents kidney stones
Lemon is good for digestion and it is also good for losing weight because of the nutrient that it contains
Lemon is good for the skin as it helps to prevent the skin from developing any pimples or acne and it makes the skin to glow
Thanks for the information I never knew lemon can used for preventing bad breath and it is even a natural home remedy without any side effects
Lemon is good for the kidney, heart, and our body generally as it reduces the risk of developing any diseases
Lemon is used for a lot of things in our health because of all the benefits that it contains and the nutrient as well
Drinking lemon is good for the health as it helps in burning fat in the body and it also helps in reducing cholesterol in the body