A Nutrition Guide To Manage Obesity And Fertility


Obesity is a serious health condition, and while it is curable, it's not something that can be reversed in days or weeks. It takes a long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle to see results.

Achieving a healthy weight, however, has many benefits in addition to improved health and longevity. According to recent studies, losing weight through proper nutrition and exercise can help couples conceive. Losing 10% of total body weight has been associated with significantly increased fertility rates.

Nutrition is essential for managing obesity and fertility issues. People who are overweight or suffer from obesity tend to get more calories from fat than from carbohydrates. This leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, both of which are linked with reduced fertility rates in women.

To help you manage your weight and fertility issues through proper nutrition, I put together this list of food groups that you should focus on eating more of:

1) Low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt

2) Whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread

3) Lean proteins like chicken breast and turkey breast

4) Fruits like apples and oranges (avoid high sugar fruits like bananas)

5) Vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.