4 Steps To End Panic Attacks


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Panic attacks are a very common experience. In fact, it's estimated that one in five people will experience one at some point during their lifetime.

But panic attacks aren't just something that happens to you. they're something you can take control of! Here are 4 strategies to assist you permanently stop panic attacks.

1. Accept that panic attacks are common, and they're not a sign that you're having a heart attack.

2. Talk to someone about your feelings. A therapist or counselor can help you learn how to reduce the frequency of your panic attacks, or even prevent them from happening in the first place.

3. Find ways to relax when you're anxious, like taking deep breaths and listening to music with a slow beat (or no beat at all).

4. Practice mindfulness meditation. you can download apps like Headspace or scientifically-backed apps like Calm that help you calm down through breathing exercises and guided visualization exercises designed to quiet your mind so it isn't racing uncontrollably when you feel anxious.