6 Steps To Create A Weekend Routine For Your Finances!


It's time to get your finances on track!

If you've been a little lax with your finances lately, it's time to take a step back and figure out where you're at. You can't keep going the way you have been forever and if you don't, the consequences could be dire. So here are 6 steps to creating a weekend routine for your finances!

1. Do an audit of your bank accounts and credit cards. Look at what's in there, and make sure you have enough money to pay all of your bills until the end of the month. If not, make sure there is enough money in your account to cover it until then.

2. Create a budget that accounts for everything that comes in and goes out. You will want to track what comes into your house through income, credit card payments and other bills, as well as what goes out each month (gasoline, food).

3. Make sure that these numbers are consistent throughout the month so there are no surprises when payday rolls around!

4. Start by making a list of all your expenses, and what you can cut out of those expenses.

5. Decide on a savings goal. how much do you want to save each month? Do you have a big vacation coming up? An expensive car repair? Whatever it is, set that amount as your target.

6. Create a spreadsheet or budgeting app so that you can track your spending over time. If you're using an app, be sure that it allows for inputting transactions manually (if not, look into one that does!)