3 Wrong Reasons for going on a diet


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3 Wrong Reasons for going on a diet
The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar per annum business, therefore it stands to reason that there are millions of people who desire to lose weight. People will have their own reasons for losing weight. If you can find your "Why" for losing weight then you have a much greater chance of success than someone who half-heartedly tries one diet after another if for no other reason than to feel less guilty for snacking on unhealthy foods in between meals.

Some people go on a diet for the wrong reasons and not surprisingly, their lack of will causes them to fall back into their old habits. If you think that this does not apply to you then check out the list of wrong reasons here.

1 It's my New Year's Resolution

Many people go on a diet on January 1 and give up after a few days. They have no will power. Going on a diet simply because it is a new year is a wrong reason for doing so. The reason why it is wrong is because there is no reason behind it other than it being January 1. That is a very weak reason for dieting. There is no power behind it. You need to have a "Why" behind your lose weight goal otherwise you will come up with excuses for cheating on your diet.

2 I want to impress my friends

This too is a wrong reason for dieting. It is as though you are being controlled by the opinions of your friends. This is a recipe for being a lifelong people pleaser. Your friends are more important than your values and your principles are determined by what your friends think. You are in danger of being led astray by your so-called friends who can make you do anything they want you to do.

3 My friends are going on a diet

This is another wrong reason. If you are going to do something because your friends are doing it then you are doing it for the wrong reason. Your friends will have their own reasons for going on a diet but they are not your reasons. Your life is your own and you have your own needs. By all means be friends with others who are on the same journey as you but don't allow them to dictate how you are going to live your life.