3 Skincare Ingredients That Are Absolute No-Nos If You Have Sensitive Skin


If you have sensitive skin, you probably know that not all products are created equal. Just because something works for your best friend doesn't mean it's going to work for you too. The problem is many skincare products contain harsh ingredients that can cause irritation, itching and redness things that you definitely don't want to add to your already challenging skincare routine. Luckily, there's a way around it: just avoid the ingredients that are known irritants to sensitive skin (and steer clear of products that contain them).

Here are some of the most common skincare ingredients that should be avoided at all costs if you have sensitive skin:

1.) Fragrances: These scents can cause redness, itching and dryness. They might even make allergic reactions more likely.

2.) Formaldehyde: This is an ingredient often used as a preservative in many different products, including baby shampoo, nail polish and certain lotions. The problem? It's also an allergen and can cause contact dermatitis (an itchy rash).

3.) Salicylic Acid: This is a powerful BHA that is good for exfoliating the skin…but only if your skin isn't sensitive.