Does Hemp In Skincare Confuse You? Here’s A Complete Guide


It can be frustrating when you’re looking for an effective skincare product that doesn’t come with a confusing label. When it comes to hemp, though, this isn’t the case at all!

Hemp is actually a very common ingredient used in many skincare products and it's one of the most promising new ingredients for skin health and anti-aging treatments. So what does hemp do for your skin?

Packed with antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E among other nutrients hemp has been shown to help prevent premature aging and promote cell regeneration. In fact, studies have found that hemp oil can even help reduce wrinkles!
But even if you don't want to use hemp oil on your face (or anywhere else), there are plenty of other benefits to be found in this versatile plant. Hemp seeds are especially high in omega fatty acids like omega 3s (which have been shown to help improve skin elasticity).

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